
Deployment: Specify storage locations for the provided modules on the target system. The entries are empty for versioned C++ projects with their modules and are not needed.

Deployment 1:



Deployment 2:

Add a new file entry

Deployment 3:

Delete a file entry

Deployment 4:

Moves the selected element down one position

Deployment 5:

Moves the selected element up one position

This dialog enables configuration of the source and target file, which are transferred to the target system for the respective platforms.

Define the files, which should be deployed.

Source File: Path to the source files.

Destination file: Path to the binary files.

Rename Destination: Destination file will be renamed before the new file is transferred. Since this is required for Windows 10, it is done implicitly.

The individual entries can be expanded and collapsed by the + or respectively at the beginning.

Evaluate: Puts the calculated value into the text field for verification.

Insert: Adds the variable name selected in the dropdown list.

Add or remove specific file entries

Remove symbol file entries: Removes the entries for the provision of symbol files (PDB).

Remove all entries: Removes all entries.

Reset to default: Sets the standard entries.

Add default file entries: Adds the entries for the selected platform.

Remove file entries: Removes the entries for the selected platform.

Source and target paths for the allocation may contain virtual environment variables, which are resolved by the TwinCAT XAE / XAR system.

The following table shows the list of these supported virtual environment variables.

Virtual environment variable

Registry entry (REG_SZ) under key \HKLM\Software\Beckhoff\TwinCAT3

Default value (Windows)

Default value







C:\TwinCAT\3.x \Config\




C:\TwinCAT\3.x \Target\




C:\TwinCAT\3.x \System\




C:\TwinCAT\3.x \Boot\




C:\TwinCAT\3.x \Target\Resource\




C:\TwinCAT\3.x \Repository\




C:\TwinCAT\3.x \Driver\

not available



C:\TwinCAT\3.x \Driver\AutoInstall\




<Name of the Class Factory>

<Name of the Class Factory>

("x" is replaced by the installed TwinCAT version)