The method AdsReadReq enables the sending of an ADS read command for the data transmission from an ADS device.
AdsReadCon is called on receipt of the response.
int AdsReadReq( AmsAddr& rAddr, ULONG invokeId, ULONG indexGroup, ULONG indexOffset, ULONG cbLength );
rAddr: (type: AmsAddr&) [in] structure with NetId and port number of the ADS server.
invokeId: (type: ULONG) [in] handle of the command that is sent. The InvokeId is specified by the source device and is used for the identification of the commands.
indexGroup: (Type: ULONG) [in] contains the index group number (32-bit, unsigned) of the requested ADS service.
indexOffset: (Type: ULONG) [in] contains the index offset number (32-bit, unsigned) of the requested ADS service.
cbLength: (type: ULONG) [in] contains the length in bytes of the data to be read (pData).