CE device name

The name and AdsNetID of the CE device are derived by default from the device’s unique MAC ID.

You can find the MAC ID on the label on the CE device.

The IP port is set by default to DHCP.

Name of the CE device:

By default, the name of the device is a combination of a prefix (e.g. CX for CX devices or CP for Control Panels) and the last three bytes of the device’s unique MAC ID.

The MAC ID 00-01-05-00-27-84 produces:

AdsNetId of the CE device:

By default, this AmsNetId consists of a combination of the last four digits of the unique Mac ID of the CE device with the extension 1.1. Whereby the Mac ID is converted from the hexadecimal system to the decimal system.

The MAC ID 00-01-05-00-27-84 produces the AmsNetID

You can select and assign your own settings differently.

Modifications by means of the TwinCAT System Manager

Proceed as follows to change the settings:

1. Open the TwinCAT System Manager.
2. Enter the desired changes.
The System Manager writes the new settings at the correct address in the registry of the CE device, saves the changed registry on the Compact Flash card and, if necessary, requests an automatic restart of the device.
CE device name 1:
TwinCAT System Manager.

Local change on the CE device

Proceed as follows to change the device name:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel > System > Device Name.
  2. Enter your change in the Device name box.

Proceed as follows to change the IP settings:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Dial-up Connections > PCI-T...
  2. Change the IP settings.

Making a change with the aid of several registry files

Proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare one or more registry files.
  2. Store them on the CE device under \hard disk\RegFiles.
  3. Double-click regfile to import them into the registry.

If the registry is deleted, the registry files are automatically imported and the device restarted.

For further information, see simple image adaptation by the customer.


The first three letters of the device name are pre-populated by default (e.g. "CX_" or "CP_")

The CE device must be restarted after each change for the new settings to take effect.
The registry is saved on the data carrier when the restart is performed via Start > Suspend.