Switching process data sets
The process data to be transmitted (PDO, Process Data Objects) can be selected by the user
- via the selection dialog "Predefined PDO Assignment" (all TwinCAT versions)
- selectively for individual PDOs, taking into account the excluded elements.
Selection dialog “Predefined PDO Assignment”
Defined PDO sets can be preselected if they exist in the XML description.
This sets the PDOs of the PS2001-xxxx-1001 to a process image:
"Standard" or
"Standard + Synchon info data" or
"Standard + Outputs".
Selective PDO selection
All TwinCAT versions support the selective selection of individual PDOs, as defined in the XML description. Exclusion criteria prevent invalid combinations. A detailed description can be found in the EtherCAT system documentation.
Explanations for Fig. Selective PDO selection: In the "Process Data" tab under (A) it can be seen that the PS2001-2420-1001 power supply offers several different PDOs for transmission:
- "PSU Inputs" from the CoE index 0x1A00 (12 bytes):
- Warning
- Error
- Output voltage
- Output current
- "PSU Synchron info data" under CoE index 0x1A01 (4 bytes):
- Info data 1
- Info data 2
- "PSU Inputs Device" from the CoE index 0x1A80 (2 bytes):
- Input undervoltage
- "PSU Output" from the CoE index 0x1600 (2 bytes)
- Disable output
By selecting the necessary Input SyncManager in (B), the PDO Assignment under (C) can be carried out manually. The process data can then be linked in the TwinCAT tree (D).