
Reaction of the LEDs of the KL8519 in the event of a K-bus error. These LEDs must have been activated via "wDisCh".

TYPE E_KL8519_KBusOffReact :
  eKL8519_WatchdogOff     := 0,
  eKL8519_Watchdog500ms   := 1,
  eKL8519_Watchdog1000ms  := 2

eKL8519_WatchdogOff: In the case of a K-bus error, all LEDs set via the PLC turn off.

eKL8519_Watchdog500ms: The last state of the LED toggles every 500 ms. If the last state was OFF the LED remains OFF.

eKL8519_Watchdog1000ms: The last state of the LED toggles every 1000 ms. If the last state was OFF the LED remains OFF.