Register description

The registers can be read or written via the register communication. They are used for the parameterization of the terminal.

R0 to R7: Registers in the internal RAM of the terminal

The process variables can be used in addition to the actual process image. Their function is specific to the terminal.

  • R0 ADC raw value (X_R)
    This register contains the raw ADC value with gain and offset error
  • R1 to R5: Reserved
  • R6: Diagnostic register
    • High byte: reserved
    • Low byte: Status byte
  • R7: Command register
    High-Byte_Write = function parameter
    Low-Byte_Write = function number
    High-Byte_Read = function result
    Low-Byte_Read = function number

R8 to R15: Registers in the internal ROM of the terminal

The type and system parameters are hard programmed by the manufacturer, and the user can read them but cannot change them.

  • R8: Terminal type
    The terminal type in register R8 is needed to identify the terminal.
  • R9: Software version (X.y)
    The software version can be read as a string of ASCII characters.
  • R10: Data length
    R10 contains the number of multiplexed shift registers and their length in bits.
    The Bus Coupler sees this structure.
  • R11: Signal channels
    Related to R10, this contains the number of channels that are logically present. Thus for example a shift register that is physically present can perfectly well consist of several signal channels.
  • R12: Minimum data length
    The particular byte contains the minimum data length for a channel that is to be transferred. If the MSB is set, the control and status byte is not necessarily required for the terminal function and is not transferred to the control, if the Bus Coupler is configured accordingly.
  • R13: Data type register

Data type register



Terminal with no valid data type


Byte array


Structure 1 byte n bytes


Word array


Structure 1 byte n words


Double word array


Structure 1 byte n double words


Structure 1 byte 1 double word


Structure 1 byte 1 double word


Byte array with variable logical channel length


Structure 1 byte n bytes with variable logical channel length (e.g. 60xx)


Word array with variable logical channel length


Structure 1 byte n words with variable logical channel length


Double word array with variable logical channel length


Structure 1 byte n double words with variable logical channel length

  • R14: reserved
  • R15: Alignment bits (RAM)
    The alignment bits are used to place the analog terminal in the Bus Coupler on a byte boundary.

R16 to R30: Manufacturer parameter area (SEEROM)

The manufacturer parameters are specific for each type of terminal. They are programmed by the manufacturer, but can also be modified by the controller. The manufacturer parameters are stored in a serial EEPROM in the terminal, and are retained in the event of voltage drop-out.

These registers can only be altered after a code word has been set in R31.

  • R17: Hardware compensation - offset (B_a)
    16 bit signed integer
    This register is used for offset compensation of the terminal (Eq. 1.1).
    Register value approx. 0xF0XX
  • R18: Hardware compensation - gain (A_a)
    16 bit signed integer*2-12
    This register is used for gain compensation of the terminal (Eq. 1.1).
    1 corresponds to register value 0x1000
    Register value approx. 0x11XX
  • R19: Manufacturer scaling - offset (B_h)
    16 bits signed integer [0x0000]
    This register contains the offset of the manufacturer straight-line equation (equation 1.3). The straight-line equation is activated via register R32.
  • R20: Manufacturer scaling - gain (A_h)
    16 bit signed integer*2-10 [0x2002]
    This register contains the scale factor of the manufacturer's equation of the straight line (Eq. 1.3). The straight-line equation is activated via register R32.
    1 corresponds to register value 0x0400.
  • R21: Over range limit (OVRL)
    16 bits signed integer in Y_a (Eq. 1.0) [0x0FFF]
    This limit value limits the maximum measuring range of the input terminal. If it is exceeded, the associated status bit is set, and the maximum value is displayed.
  • R22: Under range limit (UNRL)
    16 bit signed integer in Y_a (Eq. 1.0) [0x0000]
    If the actual value falls below this limit, the associated status bit is set, and the minimum value is displayed.
  • R23: ADC hardware preset
    Initialization of the ADC offset register.

R31 to R47: User parameter area (SEEROM)

The user parameters are specific for each type of terminal. They can be modified by the programmer. The user parameters are stored in a serial EEPROM in the terminal, and are retained in the event of voltage drop-out. The user area is write-protected by a code word.

• R31: Code word register in RAM

The code word 0x1235 must be entered here so that parameters in the user area can be modified. If any other value is entered into this register, the write-protection is active. When write protection is not active, the code word is returned when the register is read. If the write protection is active, the register contains a zero value.

  • R32: Feature register
    This register specifies the operation modes of the terminal. Thus, for instance, a user-specific scaling can be activated for the analog I/Os.

Feature bit no.


Description of the operation mode

Bit 0


User scaling (R33, R34) active [0]

Bit 1


Manufacturer scaling (R19, R20) active [1]

Bit 2


Watchdog timer active [1]
In the delivery state, the watchdog timer is switched on.

Bit 3


Sign / amount representation [0]
Sign / amount representation is active instead of two's-complement representation (-1 = 0x8001).

Bit 4


Siemens output format [0]
This bit is used for inserting status information on the lowest 3 bits (see below).

Bits 5 to 7


Reserved, don't change

Bit 8


Over range Protection [1]
If values exceed or fall below the limits of the registers OVRL (R21) and UNRL (R22), the status bits are set and the measuring range is restricted accordingly.

Bit 9


Limit value 1 active [0]
The process data are compared with limit value 1 (R35), and appropriate status bits are set.

Bit 10


Limit value 2 active [0]
The process data are compared with limit value 2 (R36), and appropriate status bits are set.

Bit 11


Filter1 active [0]
For filter properties, see R37

Bits 12 to 15


Reserved, don't change

If the Siemens output format is selected, the lowest three bits are used for status evaluation. The process data is represented in bits 15 to 3, with bit 15 representing the sign bit. Scaling of the measured value according to the Siemens standard has to be done via user scaling (R33, R34).

KL3011 and KL3012

Measured value

Bits 15 to 3

Bit 2


Bit 0

Measured value > 20 mA





Measured value < 20 mA

Process data





KL3021 and KL3022

Measured value

Bits 15 to 3

Bit 2


Bit 0

Measured value > 20 mA





4 mA < measured value < 20 mA

Process data




Measured value < 4 mA

Process data




  • R33: User scaling - offset (B_w)
    16 bit signed integer
    This register contains the offset of the user straight-line equation (Eq. 1.4). The straight-line equation is activated via register R32.
  • R34: User scaling - gain (Aw_)
    16 bit signed integer*2-8
    This register contains the scale factor of the user straight-line equation (Eq. 1.4). The straight-line equation is activated via register R32.
  • R35: Limit value 1 (Y_2)
    If the process data are outside this threshold, the appropriate bits are set in the status byte.
  • R36: Limit value 2 (Y_2)
    If the process data are outside this threshold, the appropriate bits are set in the status byte.
  • R37: Filter constant
    If the internal filter is activated via R32.11, the following filter constants can be selected in R37. In the standard setting, the corresponding conversion time is 2.5 ms:

Applies to all terminals from firmware version 3x.

This documentation applies to all terminals from firmware version 3x. The version information can be found on the right-hand side of the terminal in the serial number: xxxx3xxx.

Example: 52983A2A => the firmware version is 3A.





2nd order FIR filter

default value


1st order IIR filter, cut-off frequency fg approx.1 kHz

The implemented IIR filters do not have any notch behavior, i.e., they do not explicitly suppress any frequency.


1st order IIR filter, cut-off frequency fg approx. 100 Hz


1st order IIR filter, cut-off frequency fg approx. 50 Hz


1st order IIR filter, cut-off frequency fg approx. 20 Hz


1st order IIR filter, cut-off frequency fg approx. 10 Hz


1st order IIR filter, cut-off frequency fg approx. 5 Hz


1st order IIR filter, cut-off frequency fg approx. 1 Hz


50 Hz FIR filter
Averaging over 16 values and first notch 25 Hz

In contrast to the IIR filters, FIR filter have notch behavior. The timer settings of the notch filter are made via channel 0 of the terminal. This means that the 50 Hz filter on channel 0 and the 60 Hz filter on channel 1 cannot be active simultaneously.


60 Hz FIR filter
Averaging over 16 values and first notch 20 Hz

Other values

No filter active