The Beckhoff CANopen bus components offer a wide range of configuration and setting facilities. The effort required for configuration remains, however, minimal, because sensible default values exist for all the parameters. These presettings mean that the requirements of the majority of applications are met without any difficulty.
The following list provides a summary of the devices' most important configuration options:
Node address
It is necessary for this to be set in every case, and done in such a way that no node addresses are assigned more than once.
Baud Rate
Automatic baud rate function means that manual configuration is superfluous. A facility for manual setting has therefore been omitted from the Fieldbus Box modules.
PDO Parameters
PDO Identifier
The CANopen default identifier allocation provides identifiers for up to 4 receive process data objects (RxPDOs) and for 4 transmit process data objects (TxPDOs ). This means that CAN identifiers exist for the data from, for instance, 64 digital input/outputs and 12 analog input/outputs. If there is more than one input/output, their data is, by default, mapped into PDOs 5...16 (see Default Mapping for details). Identifiers for PDOs 5...11 can easily be enabled by writing to object 0x5500. If more than 11 PDOs are required, or if the default identifier allocation does not satisfy the requirements of the application, then the identifiers can be set individually (see objects 0x1400ff and 0x1800ff).
PDO Communication type
PDO Communication type
The communication technique for each process data object can be set individually: event-driven (default), polled or synchronised.
PDO Mapping
The data associated with the inputs and outputs is assigned (through the default mapping) to the process data objects when the module starts up. This assignment (mapping) can be modified if required (see objects 0x1600ff and 0x1A00ff).
The modules respond to guarding requests without the need for special configuration. If the modules are to send status information on their own initiative (heartbeat), or if the modules are required to react to the absence of the request telegrams or of the master heartbeat, then the corresponding parameters do need to be set (guarding: object 0x100C ff.; heartbeat: object 0x1016 ff).
The list of all the parameters accessible via CAN is located in the object directory.
Note The objects in the object directory can be reached by SDO access, but not generally through the configuration software KS2000. On the other hand, all the registers that can be configured with KS2000 can also be reached using SDO access to the object directory (objects 0x4500 and 0x4501) - even though this does not offer the same convenience as the configuration software. |