IP204x-Bxxx, IE204x Signal Connection
8 Channel Digital Output 24 VDC, Imax = 2.0 A, total current 12 A
The IP204x digital output modules connect the binary control signals from the automation unit on to the actuators at the process level. The 8 outputs handle load currents of up to 2.0 A, and indicate their status through light emitting diodes. The signals are optionally connected via 8 mm snap-in plugs (IP2040), screw-in M8 connectors (IP2041) or screw-in M12 connectors (IP2042). The outputs are short-circuit safe and protected against inverse connection.
Potential Groups
There are three inlets for this module's load voltage. UP1 for channels 0-3 (total current 4 A), UP2 for channels 4-5 (total current 4 A) and UP3 for channels 6-7 (total current 4 A).
The total current must not be exceeded. This means that a maximum of two outputs from channels 0-3 with a load of 2 A each may be switched on at the same time.
See also Chapter Technical data.