Requirement 1 + 2: synchronization

In an EtherCAT system the distributed clocks concept (DC) is used for synchronization of local clocks in the EtherCAT components.

Synchronization of local EtherCAT devices




Requirement 1 + 2: synchronization 1:
mapping of DC to the topology

In Fig. Mapping of DC to the topology the 3rd EtherCAT slave was selected as DC reference clock as a sample. The local time of this slave is now used to adjust all other distributed clocks, i.e. all other EtherCAT slaves and the clock of the EtherCAT master. This is achieved through synchronization datagrams, which the EtherCAT master sends cyclically.

Requirement 1 + 2: synchronization 2:

TwinCAT clock readjustment

The TwinCAT clock that determines the real-time must track the DC ReferenceClock to ensure that the PLC/NC tasks in the real-time context of the controller run synchronous with the distributed clocks. If more than one EtherCAT system is used on a control system, only one of these systems can provide the ReferenceClock for TwinCAT. The other EtherCAT systems have then to follow the TwinCAT clock.
See notes in section “Coupling of EtherCAT systems

This procedure ensures that all devices supporting DC always have local access to a time that is identical (within the DC synchronization precision) in all devices.

The system now operates based on the time base of the selected DC reference clock and its local clock generator/quartz with TDC. Due to production tolerances this time base is rarely the same as the official sidereal time/coordinated world time UTC TUTC or another reference time. This means that 1 msUTC is never exactly 1 msDC, TDC≠ TUTC. Over longer periods also drift processes may also change the ratio. As long as DC is used for relative processes within the EtherCAT system, the deviation from the UTC is irrelevant. However, if the DC time is to be used for data logging with a global time base, for sample, the DC time base must be synchronized with the UTC time base. This is described in section Requirement 3.