CoE parameters
![]() | Parameterization You can parameterize the box via the "CoE - Online" tab in TwinCAT. |
![]() | EtherCAT XML Device Description The presentation matches that of the EtherCAT XML Device Description. |
Index 1011 Restore default parameters
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1011:0 | Restore default parameters | Restore the default settings in the EtherCAT slave | UINT8 | RO | 0x01 (1dec) |
1011:01 | SubIndex 001 | If this object is set to "0x64616F6C" ("Set Value Dialog") all terminal/box-specific objects are reset to their delivery state. | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
Index 8000 RMB Settings
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8000:0 | RMB Settings | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x32 (50dec) |
8000:01 | Mode0 enable filter | 0: No filters active. The box operates cycle-synchronously 1: The filter settings selected in subindex 0x8000:11 or 0x8000:12 are active. | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
8000:02 | Mode1 enable filter | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) | |
8000:03 | Mode0 enable averager | Activate hardware mean value filter | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
8000:04 | Mode1 enable averager | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) | |
8000:05 | Symmetric reference potential | Activate symmetric measurement | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
8000:11 | Mode0 filter settings | 0: FIR 50 Hz | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
8000:12 | Mode1 filter settings | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) | |
8000:13 | Dynamic filter change time | Sampling rate for dynamic filter switching. Scaling in 0.01 ms (100 = 1 s) (only if the filters are active and "dynamic IIR" is selected as filter) | UINT16 | RW | 0x000A (10dec) |
8000:14 | Dynamic filter delta | Limit value for dynamic filter switching. (only if the filters are active and "dynamic IIR" is selected as filter) | REAL32 | RW | 0x41A00000 (1101004800dec) = 20.0 |
8000:21 | Gain | Scaling factor | REAL32 | RW | 0x3F800000 (1065353216dec) = 1.0 |
8000:22 | Tara | Process data value offset | REAL32 | RW | 0x00000000 (0dec) = 0.0 |
8000:23 | Rated output | Nominal characteristic value of the sensor element in mV/V | REAL32 | RW | 0x40000000 (1073741824dec) = 2.0 |
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
8000:24 | Nominal load | Nominal load of the force transducer/load cell/etc. (e.g. in kg or N or ..) | REAL32 | RW | 0x40A00000 (1084227584dec) = 5.0 |
8000:25 | Zero balance | Zero point offset in mV/V | REAL32 | RW | 0x00000000 (0dec) = 0.0 |
8000:26 | Gravity of earth | Current acceleration of gravity (default 9.806650) | REAL32 | RW | 0x411CE80A (1092413450dec) = 9.806650 |
8000:27 | Scale factor | This factor can be used to re-scale the process data. In order to change the display from kg to g, for example, the factor 1000 can be entered here. | REAL32 | RW | 0x447A0000 (1148846080dec) = 1000.0 |
8000:28 | Reference load | Reference weight for manual calibration | REAL32 | RW | 0x40A00000 (1084227584dec) = 5.0 |
8000:29 | Steady state window | Time constant for the "Steady state" bit (used for idle recognition) | UINT16 | RW | 0x03E8 (1000dec) |
8000:2A | Steady state tolerance | Tolerance window for the "Steady state" bit | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000005 (5dec) |
8000:31 | Calibration interval | Calibration interval for automatic calibration of the terminal/box. The unit is 100 ms. The smallest possible value is 5 (500 ms). A value of 0 deactivates automatic self-calibration. This is also possible via the process data bit "Disable calibration". | UINT16 | RW | 0x0708 (1800dec) |
8000:32 | Test interval | This register contains the test interval for the cyclic self-test of the terminal/box. This interval is always a multiple (default: 10dec) of the calibration interval (0x8000:31). The test interval when the equipment leaves the factory is therefore 10 x 180 s = 1800 s. The process data bit "Disable calibration" can be used to deactivate the self-test. | UINT16 | RW | 0x000A (10dec) |
Index 8010, 8020 AI Settings
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
80n0:0 | AI Settings | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x18 (24dec) |
80n0:01 | Enable user scale | User scale is enabled, if bit is set | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:06 | Enable filter | Activates filter | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
80n0:0A | Enable user calibration | User calibration is enabled, if bit is set | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x00 (0dec) |
80n0:0B | Enable vendor calibration | Vendor calibration is enabled, if bit is set | BOOLEAN | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
80n0:11 | User scale offset | User scale offset | INT32 | RW | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
80n0:12 | User scale gain | User scale gain | INT32 | RW | 0x00010000 (65536dec) |
80n0:15 | Filter settings | This object defines the digital filter settings, if it is activated with index 0x80n0:06 . 0: 50 Hz FIR | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
80n0:17 | User calibration offset | User calibration offset | INT32 | RW | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
80n0:18 | User calibration gain | User calibration gain | INT16 | RW | 0x4000 (16384dec) |
Command object, Index FB00 RMB Command
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
FB00:0 | RMB Command | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x03 (3dec) |
FB00:01 | Request | Via the request object, commands can be sent to the terminal/box - 0x0101: Zero adjustment - 0x0102: Calibration - 0x0001 Tara setting - 0x0002 Tara setting (Data are saved into the EEPROM) see commands | OCTET-STRING[2] | RW | {0} |
FB00:02 | Status | State of the current executed command 0: Command executed without errors 255: Execution of command | UINT8 | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
FB00:03 | Response | Optional return value of the command | OCTET-STRING[4] | RO | {0} |
Input data, Index 6000 RMB Inputs
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
6000:0 | RMB Inputs | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x13 (19dec) |
6000:02 | Overrange | The measuring value has reached its terminal/box value | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:04 | Data invalid | The indicated process data are not valid, e.g. during calibration | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:07 | Error | An error has occurred | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:08 | Calibration in progress | Calibration in progress. The process data indicate the last valid measuring value | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:09 | Steady state |
| BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:0E | Sync error | TRUE: In the last cycle the synchronization was not correct (only in DC-Mode) | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:10 | TxPDO Toggle | The TxPDO Toggle is toggled by the slave, if the data of the corresponding PDO was updated. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
6000:11 | Value | Measuring value as 32 Bit SIGNED INTEGER | INT32 | RO | 0x61746144 (1635017028dec) |
6000:12 | Value (Real) | Measuring value as REAL | REAL32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
6000:13 | Timestamp | Timestamp of current measuring value (only in DC-Mode) | UINT64 | RO |
Input data Index 6010, 6020 AI Inputs
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
60n0:0 | AI Inputs | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x11 (17dec) |
60n0:01 | Underrange | Value falls below the measuring range | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:02 | Overrange | Measurement range is exceeded. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:07 | Error | An error has occurred, e.g.: | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:10 | TxPDO Toggle | The TxPDO Toggle is toggled by the slave, if the data of the corresponding PDO was updated. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
60n0:11 | Value | 32 Bit measuring value | INT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
Output data, Index 7000 RMB Outputs
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
7000:0 | RMB Outputs | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x05 (5dec) |
7000:01 | Start calibration | The calibration can be started manually with a rising edge. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
7000:02 | Disable calibration | 0: The automatic calibration is active 1: The automatic calibration is inactive | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
7000:03 | Input freeze | The process data and the digital filter will be frozen | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
7000:04 | Sample mode | Selection of the sampling mode: 0: 10.5 kHz High precision | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
7000:05 | Tara | The process data can be set to zero with a rising edge. | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
7000:11 | Filter frequency | Filter frequency of the variable PDO filter in 0.1 Hz, see filter Wertebereich: From a value 0 or >2000, the filter behaves like a 50 Hz FIR filter | UINT16 | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
Information-/diagnostic data, Index 801E, 802E AI Internal data
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
801E:0 | AI Internal data | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x01 (1dec) |
801E:01 | ADC raw value 1 | ADC raw value | INT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
Index 9000 RMB Info data
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
9000:0 | RMB Info data | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x11 (17dec) |
9000:11 | mV/V | Current mV/V value | REAL32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
Index A000 RMB Diag data
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
A000:0 | RMB Diag data | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x18 (24dec) |
A000:11 | No internal referecnce supply | No internal reference voltage at ADC input (URef channel) | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
A000:12 | No internal referecnce bridge | No internal reference voltage at ADC input (UDif channel | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
A000:13 | No external reference supply | The external reference voltage is below ±1 V | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
A000:15 | Overrange bridge | Overranged measuring value in the bridge section | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
A000:16 | Underrange bridge | Underranged measuring value in the bridge section | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
A000:17 | Overrange supply | Overranged measuring value of the reference voltage | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
A000:18 | Underrange supply | Underranged measuring value of the reference voltage | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
Vendor configuration data, Index 801F, 802F AI Vendor data
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
801F:0 | AI Vendor data | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RO | 0x02 (2dec) |
801F:01 | Calibration offset | Offset (vendor calibration)) | INT32 | RW | 0x01E10000 (31522816dec) |
801F:02 | Calibration gain | Gain (vendor calibration)) | INT16 | RW | 0x4000 (16384dec) |
Standard objects, Index 1000 Device type
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1000:0 | Device type | Device type of the EtherCAT slave: The low word contains the CoE profile used (5001). The high word contains the module profile according to the modular device profile. | UINT32 | RO | 0x01681389 (23597961dec) |
Index 1008 Device name
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1008:0 | Device name | Device name of the EtherCAT slave | STRING | RO | EPP3356-0022 |
Index 1009 Hardware version
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1009:0 | Hardware version | Hardware version of the EtherCAT slave | STRING | RO | 00 |
Index 100A Software version
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
100A:0 | Software version | Firmware version of the EtherCAT slave | STRING | RO | 01 |
Index 1018 Identity
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1018:0 | Identity | Information for identifying the slave | UINT8 | RO | 0x04 (4dec) |
1018:01 | Vendor ID | Vendor ID of the EtherCAT slave | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000002 (2dec) |
1018:02 | Product code | Product code of the EtherCAT slave | UINT32 | RO | 0x647697C9 (1685493705dec) |
1018:03 | Revision | Revision number of the EtherCAT slave; the low word (bit 0-15) indicates the special terminal/box number, the high word (bit 16-31) refers to the device description | UINT32 | RO | 0x00100000 (1048576dec) |
1018:04 | Serial number | Serial number of the EtherCAT slave; the low byte (bit 0-7) of the low word contains the year of production, the high byte (bit 8-15) of the low word contains the week of production, the high word (bit 16-31) is 0 | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
Index 10F0 Backup parameter handling
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
10F0:0 | Backup parameter handling | Information for standardized loading and saving of backup entries | UINT8 | RO | 0x01 (1dec) |
10F0:01 | Checksum | Checksum across all backup entries of the EtherCAT slave | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
Index 1600 RMB RxPDO-Map Control
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1600:0 | RMB RxPDO-Map Control | PDO Mapping RxPDO-Map control | UINT8 | RO | 0x07 (7dec) |
1600:01 | Subindex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7000 (RMB outputs), entry 0x01 (Start calibration)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x7000:01, 1 |
1600:02 | Subindex 002 | 2. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7000 (RMB outputs), entry 0x02 (Disable calibration)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x7000:02, 1 |
1600:03 | Subindex 003 | 3. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7000 (RMB outputs), entry 0x03 (Input freeze)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x7000:03, 1 |
1600:04 | Subindex 004 | 4. PDO Mapping entry (1 bits align) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x0000:00, 1 |
1600:05 | Subindex 005 | 5. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7000 (RMB outputs), entry 0x05 (Tara)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x7000:05, 1 |
1600:06 | Subindex 006 | 6. PDO Mapping entry (3 bits align) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x0000:00, 3 |
1600:07 | Subindex 007 | 7. PDO Mapping entry (8 bits align) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x0000:00, 8 |
Index 1601 RMB RxPDO-Map-Filter frequency
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1601:0 | RMB RxPDO-Map Filter frequency | PDO Mapping RxPDO-Map Filter frequency | UINT8 | RO | 0x01 (1dec) |
1601:01 | Subindex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7000 (RMB ouputs), entry 0x11 (Start calibration)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x7000:11, 16 |
Index 1800 RMB TxPDO-Par Status
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1800:0 | RMB TxPDO-Par Status | PDO Parameter TxPDO 1 | UINT8 | RO | 0x06 (6dec) |
1800:06 | Exclude TxPDOs | This entry contains the TxPDOs (Index of the TxPDO Mapping objects) which shall not be transmitted with TxPDO 1 | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 04 1A 05 1A 06 1A 07 1A 00 00 |
Index 1801 RMB TxPDO-Par Value (INT 32)
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1801:0 | RMB TxPDO-Par Value (INT32) | PDO Parameter TxPDO 2 | UINT8 | RO | 0x06 (6dec) |
1801:06 | Exclude TxPDOs | This entry contains the TxPDOs (Index of the TxPDO Mapping objects) which shall not be transmitted with TxPDO 2 | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 02 1A 04 1A 05 1A 06 1A 07 1A |
Index 1802 RMB TxPDO-Par Value (Real)
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1802:0 | RMB TxPDO-Par Value (Real) | PDO Parameter TxPDO 3 | UINT8 | RO | 0x06 (6dec) |
1802:06 | Exclude TxPDOs | This entry contains the TxPDOs (Index of the TxPDO Mapping objects) which shall not be transmitted with TxPDO 3 | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 01 1A 04 1A 05 1A 06 1A 07 1A |
Index 1803 RMB TxPDO-Par Timestamp
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1803:0 | RMB TxPDO-Par Timestamp | PDO Parameter TxPDO 4 | UINT8 | RO | 0x06 (6dec) |
1803:06 | Exclude TxPDOs | This entry contains the TxPDOs (Index of the TxPDO Mapping objects) which shall not be transmitted with TxPDO 4 | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 04 1A 05 1A 06 1A 07 1A 00 00 |
Index 1804 AI TxPDO-Par Standard Ch. 1
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1804:0 | AI TxPDO-Par Standard Ch.1 | PDO Parameter TxPDO 5 | UINT8 | RO | 0x06 (6dec) |
1804:06 | Exclude TxPDOs | This entry contains the TxPDOs (Index of the TxPDO Mapping objects) which shall not be transmitted with TxPDO 5 | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 05 1A 00 1A 01 1A 02 1A 03 1A |
Index 1805 AI TxPDO-Par Compact Ch.1
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1805:0 | AI TxPDO-Par Compact Ch.1 | PDO Parameter TxPDO 6 | UINT8 | RO | 0x06 (6dec) |
1805:06 | Exclude TxPDOs | This entry contains the TxPDOs (Index of the TxPDO Mapping objects) which shall not be transmitted with TxPDO 6 | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 04 1A 00 1A 01 1A 02 1A 03 1A |
Index 1806 AI TxPDO-Par Standard Ch.2
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1806:0 | AI TxPDO-Par Standard Ch.2 | PDO Parameter TxPDO 7 | UINT8 | RO | 0x06 (6dec) |
1806:06 | Exclude TxPDOs | This entry contains the TxPDOs (Index of the TxPDO Mapping objects) which shall not be transmitted with TxPDO 7 | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 07 1A 00 1A 01 1A 02 1A 03 1A |
Index 1807 AI TxPDO-Par Compact Ch.2
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1807:0 | AI TxPDO-Par Compact Ch.2 | PDO Parameter TxPDO 8 | UINT8 | RO | 0x06 (6dec) |
1807:06 | Exclude TxPDOs | This entry contains the TxPDOs (Index of the TxPDO Mapping objects) which shall not be transmitted with TxPDO 8 | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 06 1A 00 1A 01 1A 02 1A 03 1A |
Index 1A00 RMB TxPDO-Map Status
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1A00:0 | RMB TxPDO-Map Status | PDO Mapping RxPDO-Map Status | UINT8 | RO | 0x0C (12dec) |
1A00:01 | Subindex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (1 bits align) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x0000:00, 1 |
1A00:02 | Subindex 002 | 2. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6000 (RMB inputs), entry 0x02 (Overrange)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x6000:02, 1 |
1A00:03 | Subindex 003 | 3. PDO Mapping entry (1 bits align) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x0000:00, 1 |
1A00:04 | Subindex 004 | 4. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6000 (RMB inputs), entry 0x04 (Data invalid)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x6000:04, 1 |
1A00:05 | Subindex 005 | 5. PDO Mapping entry (2 bits align) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x0000:00, 2 |
1A00:06 | Subindex 006 | 6. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6000 (RMB inputs), entry 0x07 (Error)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x6000:07, 1 |
1A00:07 | Subindex 007 | 7. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6000 (RMB inputs), entry 0x08 (Calibration in progress)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x6000:08, 1 |
1A00:08 | Subindex 008 | 8. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6000 (RMB inputs), entry 0x09 (Steady state)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x6000:09, 1 |
1A00:09 | Subindex 009 | 9. PDO Mapping entry (4 bits align) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x0000:00, 4 |
1A00:0A | Subindex 010 | 10. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6000 (RMB inputs), entry 0x0E (Sync error)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x6000:0E, 1 |
1A00:0B | Subindex 011 | 11. PDO Mapping entry (1 bits align) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x0000:00, 1 |
1A00:0C | Subindex 012 | 12. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6000 (RMB inputs), entry 0x10 (TxPDO Toggle)) | OCTET-STRING[10] | RO | 0x6000:10, 1 |
Index 1A01 RMB TxPDO-Map Value (INT32)
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1A01:0 | RMB TxPDO-Map Value (INT32) | PDO Mapping Value (INT32) | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
1A01:01 | SubIndex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6000 (RMB inputs), entry 0x11 (Value)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6000:11, 32 |
Index 1A02 RMB TxPDO-Map Value (Real)
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1A02:0 | RMB TxPDO-Map Value (real) | PDO Mapping Value (real) | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
1A02:01 | SubIndex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6000 (RMB inputs), entry 0x12 (Value (real))) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6000:12, 32 |
Index 1A03 RMB TxPDO-Map Timestamp
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1A03:0 | RMB TxPDO-Map Timestamp | PDO Mapping Value Timestamp | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
1A03:01 | SubIndex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x0000, entry 0x00) | UINT64 | RW | 0x0000:00, 64 |
Index 1A04 AI TxPDO-Map Standard Ch.1
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1A04:0 | AI supply TxPDO-Map Standard Ch. 1 | PDO Mapping TxPDO Standard Ch. 1 | UINT8 | RW | 0x07 (7dec) |
1A04:01 | SubIndex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6010 (AI supply Inputs), entry 0x01 (Underrange)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6010:01, 1 |
1A04:02 | SubIndex 002 | 2. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6010 (AI supply Inputs), entry 0x02 (Overrange)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6010:02, 1 |
1A04:03 | SubIndex 003 | 3. PDO Mapping entry (4 bits align) | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000:00, 4 |
1A04:04 | SubIndex 004 | 4. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6010 (AI supply Inputs), entry 0x04 (Error)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6010:07, 1 |
1A04:05 | SubIndex 005 | 5. PDO Mapping entry (8 bits align) | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000:00, 8 |
1A04:06 | SubIndex 006 | 6. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6010, entry 0x10 (TxPDO Toggle)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6010:10, 1 |
1A04:07 | SubIndex 007 | 7. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6010, entry 0x11 (Value)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6010:11, 32 |
Index 1A05 AI TxPDO-Map Compact Ch.1
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1A05:0 | AI supply TxPDO-Map Compact Ch. 1 | PDO Mapping TxPDO Compact Ch. 1 | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
1A05:01 | SubIndex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6010, entry 0x11 (Value)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6010:11, 32 |
Index 1A06 AI TxPDO-Map Standard Ch.2
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1A06:0 | AI supply TxPDO-Map Standard Ch. 2 | PDO Mapping TxPDO Standard Ch. 2 | UINT8 | RW | 0x07 (7dec) |
1A06:01 | SubIndex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6020 (AI supply Inputs), entry 0x01 (Underrange)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6020:01, 1 |
1A06:02 | SubIndex 002 | 2. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6020 (AI supply Inputs), entry 0x02 (Overrange)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6020:02, 1 |
1A06:03 | SubIndex 003 | 3. PDO Mapping entry (4 bits align) | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000:00, 4 |
1A06:04 | SubIndex 004 | 4. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6020 (AI supply Inputs), entry 0x04 (Error)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6020:07, 1 |
1A06:05 | SubIndex 005 | 5. PDO Mapping entry (8 bits align) | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000:00, 8 |
1A06:06 | SubIndex 006 | 6. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6020, entry 0x10 (TxPDO Toggle)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6020:10, 1 |
1A06:07 | SubIndex 007 | 7. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6020, entry 0x11 (Value)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6020:11, 32 |
Index 1A07 AI TxPDO-Map Compact Ch.2
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1A07:0 | AI supply TxPDO-Map Compact Ch. 2 | PDO Mapping TxPDO Compact Ch. 2 | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
1A07:01 | SubIndex 001 | 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x6020, entry 0x11 (Value)) | UINT32 | RW | 0x6020:11, 32 |
Index 1C00 Sync manager type
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1C00:0 | Sync manager type | Usage of the Sync Manager channels | UINT8 | RO | 0x04 (4dec) |
1C00:01 | SubIndex 001 | Sync-Manager Type Channel 1: Mailbox Write | UINT8 | RO | 0x01 (1dec) |
1C00:02 | SubIndex 002 | Sync-Manager Type Channel 2: Mailbox Read | UINT8 | RO | 0x02 (2dec) |
1C00:03 | SubIndex 003 | Sync-Manager Type Channel 3: Process Data Write (Outputs) | UINT8 | RO | 0x03 (3dec) |
1C00:04 | SubIndex 004 | Sync-Manager Type Channel 4: Process Data Read (Inputs) | UINT8 | RO | 0x04 (4dec) |
Index 1C12 RxPDO assign
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1C12:0 | RxPDO assign | PDO Assign Inputs | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
1C12:01 | Subindex 001 | 1. assigned TxPDO (contains the index of the corresponding TxPDO Mapping object) | UINT16 | RW | 0x1600 (5632dec) |
1C12:02 | Subindex 002 | 2. assigned TxPDO (contains the index of the corresponding TxPDO Mapping object) | UINT16 | RW | - |
Index 1C13 TxPDO assign
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1C13:0 | TxPDO assign | PDO Assign Inputs | UINT8 | RW | 0x01 (1dec) |
1C13:01 | Subindex 001 | 1. assigned TxPDO (contains the index of the corresponding TxPDO Mapping object) | UINT16 | RW | 0x1A00 (6656dec) |
1C13:02 | Subindex 002 | 2. assigned TxPDO (contains the index of the corresponding TxPDO Mapping object) | UINT16 | RW | 0x1A01 (6657dec) |
1C13:03 | Subindex 003 | 3. assigned TxPDO (contains the index of the corresponding TxPDO Mapping object) | UINT16 | RW | - |
Index 1C32 SM output parameter
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1C32:0 | SM output parameter | Synchronization parameter of the outputs | UINT8 | RO | 0x20 (32dec) |
1C32:01 | Sync mode | Actual synchronization mode:
| UINT16 | RW | 0x0001 (1dec) |
1C32:02 | Cycle time | Cycle time (in ns):
| UINT32 | RW | 0x000C65D4 (812500dec) |
1C32:03 | Shift time | Time between SYNC0-Event and Input Latch (in ns, only in DC-Mode) | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
1C32:04 | Sync modes supported | Supported synchronization modes:
| UINT16 | RO | 0xC007 (49159dec) |
1C32:05 | Minimum cycle time | Minimum cycle time supported (in ns) | UINT32 | RO | 0x0000C350 (50000dec) |
1C32:06 | Calc and copy time | Minimum time between SYNC0 and SYNC1 event (in ns, only DC mode) | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
1C32:07 | Minimum delay time |
| UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
1C32:08 | Command |
The Entries 0x1C32:03, 0x1C32:05, 0x1C32:06, 0x1C32:09, 0x1C33:03, 0x1C33:06, 0x1C33:09 will be updated with the maximum measured values. The measured valued well be reset, if measured again | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
1C32:09 | Maximum Delay time | Time between SYNC1-Event and output latch (in ns, only in DC mode) | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
1C32:0B | SM event missed counter | Number of the missed SM-Events in state OPERATIONAL (only in DC Mode) | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
1C32:0C | Cycle exceeded counter | Number of the exceeded cycles in state OPERATIONAL | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
1C32:0D | Shift too short counter | Number of the too short distances between SYNC0 and SYNC1 Event (only in DC Mode) | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
1C32:20 | Sync error | TRUE: In the last cycle the synchronization was not correct (only in DC-Mode) | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
Index 1C33 SM input parameter
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
1C33:0 | SM input parameter | Synchronization parameter of the outputs | UINT8 | RO | 0x20 (32dec) |
1C33:01 | Sync mode | Actual synchronization mode:
| UINT16 | RW | 0x0022 (34dec) |
1C33:02 | Cycle time | same as 0x1C32:02 | UINT32 | RW | 0x000C65D4 (812500dec) |
1C33:03 | Shift time | Time between SYNC0 event and reading of the inputs (in ns, only DC mode) | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
1C33:04 | Sync modes supported | Supported synchronization modes:
| UINT16 | RO | 0xC007 (49159dec) |
1C33:05 | Minimum cycle time | same as 0x1C32:05 | UINT32 | RO | 0x0000C350 (50000dec) |
1C33:06 | Calc and copy time | Time between reading of the inputs and availability of the inputs for the master (in ns, only DC mode) | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
1C33:07 | Minimum delay time |
| UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
1C33:08 | Command | same as 0x1C32:08 | UINT16 | RW | 0x0000 (0dec) |
1C33:09 | Maximum Delay time | Time between SYNC1 event and reading of the inputs (in ns, only DC mode) | UINT32 | RO | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
1C33:0B | SM event missed counter | same as 0x1C32:11 | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
1C33:0C | Cycle exceeded counter | same as 0x1C32:12 | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
1C33:0D | Shift too short counter | same as 0x1C32:13 | UINT16 | RO | 0x0000 (0dec) |
1C33:20 | Sync error | same as 0x1C32:32 | BOOLEAN | RO | 0x00 (0dec) |
Index F000 Modular device profile
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
F000:0 | Modular device profile | General information for the modular device profile | UINT8 | RO | 0x02 (2dec) |
F000:01 | Module index distance | Index spacing of the objects of the individual channels | UINT16 | RO | 0x0010 (16dec) |
F000:02 | Maximum number of modules | Number of channels | UINT16 | RO | 0x0001 (1dec) |
Index F008 Code word
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
F008:0 | Code word | reserved | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000000 (0dec) |
Index F010 Module list
Index (hex) | Name | Meaning | Data type | Flags | Default |
F010:0 | Module list | Max. subindex | UINT8 | RW | 0x03 (3dec) |
F010:01 | SubIndex 001 | RMB | UINT32 | RW | 0x00000172 (370dec) |
F010:02 | SubIndex 002 | AI | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000012C (300dec) |
F010:03 | SubIndex 003 | AI | UINT32 | RW | 0x0000012C (300dec) |