Synchronizing two PWM channels

When using two PWM outputs (ModuleGroup "PWM_2xOUT"), these can be synchronized with each other. Then the output on channel 2 is directly dependent on channel 1.

You can set the synchronization in parameter 0x8080:09 "Channel synchronisation" of channel 1. The parameter of the same name 0x8090:09 of channel 2 has no function.


Parameter change leads to temporarily invalid phase position

If the "Channel synchronisation" function is enabled or disabled, an invalid phase position occurs briefly on channel 2. See section Example.

The following parameters can be set:

Desired synchronization

0x8080:09 "Channel synchronisation"


0: No

Channel 1 and channel 2 work completely independently of each other.

Synchronizing two PWM channels 1:

Period and duty cycle synchronous

1: Ch2 = Ch1

Period and duty cycle of channel 1 are also output on channel 2, i.e. the rising/falling edges of channel 1 and channel 2 are almost simultaneously.

Synchronizing two PWM channels 2:

Period synchronous

Duty cycle inverted

2: Ch2 = Ch1 inverted

The period of channel 1 is also applied to channel 2, the duty cycle is inverted, i.e. a rising edge of channel 1 occurs almost simultaneously with a falling edge of channel 2.

Synchronizing two PWM channels 3:


As soon as the “Ch2 = Ch1” option is activated (visualized here for the triggering of the oscilloscope by the additional channel “Trig”), there is a pause on channel 2 until synchronization starts.

Synchronizing two PWM channels 4: