Scan motor (only firmware 04 and higher)

The following parameters are determined when scanning the motor:

Executing the scan

Requirement: you have conscientiously set all parameters in the previous chapter Setting the motor parameters.
1. Open the "CoE - Online" tab and check the "Auto Update" checkbox.
2. Write one of the following values into parameter 0xFB00:01 "Request":
   Value 0x8007 for channel 1.
   Value 0x8017 for channel 2.
Scan motor (only firmware 04 and higher) 1:
The scan will be executed.
The value of register FB00:02 "Status" indicates the progress of the scan.
The values 100dec ... 200dec correspond to 0 ... 100 %.
3. Wait until register FB00:02 "Status" assumes the value 0 or 3.
Value 0: the scan was successful.
Value 3: error. See troubleshooting.


If an error occurs during the scan, an error code is output in parameter FB00:03 "Response". The following table shows the possible error codes:


Meaning and remedy

03 00 00 00 00 01

Make sure that the following bits of both channels have the correct value:

  • PDO "STM Status Channel n", Bit "Ready to enable" = 1
  • PDO "STM Control Channel n", Bit "Enable" = 0

03 00 00 00 00 02

Make sure that the bit "Ready to enable" has the value 1.

03 00 00 00 00 03

An internal error has occurred.

See also diagnostic bit General hardware error.

03 00 00 00 00 04

The scan could not be performed successfully.

Check that the motor is connected correctly and that the motor shaft can rotate freely.

An error does not have to be acknowledged. If a scan was aborted with an error message, you can simply start a new scan.