Adapt process image (EP1819-0005, EP1839-0042)

You can set which process data objects are transferred in the process image of an EtherCAT device. Possible reasons to do this:

Recommendation: use the "Predefined PDO Assignments" for this purpose. "Predefined PDO Assignments" are useful predefined assemblies of process data objects.

An overview of the Predefined PDO Assignments and process data objects can be found in chapter Process image - EP1839-0042.

Setting a Predefined PDO Assignment using EP1839-0042 as example

1. Double-click in the Solution Explorer on the EtherCAT device whose process image you want to change.
Adapt process image (EP1819-0005, EP1839-0042) 1:
2. Click the "Process Data" tab.
Adapt process image (EP1819-0005, EP1839-0042) 2:
3. Select the desired entry in the drop-down menu "Predefined PDO Assignment".
Adapt process image (EP1819-0005, EP1839-0042) 3: