Limit value monitoring (Limit 1 and Limit 2)
Limit 1 and limit 2, index 0x80n0:13, index 0x80n0:14
For each channel two limits available for limit value monitoring within the measuring range.
In this way it is possible to generate different warning levels or a traffic light function (see application examples).
- Activation of limit value monitoring via indices 0x80n0:07 (Limit 1) or 0x80n0:08 (Limit 2).
- Entering the values for limit 1 (index 0x80n0:13) and limit 2 (index 0x80n0:14).
- The bits in indices 0x60n0:03 (limit 1) and 0x60n0:05 (limit 2) are set when the value exceeds or falls below the defined limits.
Output Limit n (2-bit): - 0: not active
- 1: Value is smaller than the limit value
- 2: Value is larger than the limit value
- 3: Value is equal to the limit value