Measurement ±20 mV


Measurement mode

±20 mV

Measuring range, nominal

-20…+20 mV

Measuring range, end value (FSV)

20 mV

Measuring range, technically usable

-21.474…+21.474 mV

PDO resolution (including sign)

24 bit

16 bit 2)

PDO LSB (Extended Range)

2.56 nV

655.36 nV

PDO LSB (Legacy Range)

2.384.. nV

610.37.. nV

Basic accuracy: Measuring deviation at 23°C, with averaging

< ±0.055 %, < ±550 ppmFSV typ.

< ±11 µV typ.

Extended basic accuracy: Measuring deviation at 0…55°C, with averaging 6)

< ±0.0905 %, < ±905 ppmFSV typ.

< ±18.1 µV typ.

Offset/Zero point deviation (at 23°C)


< 490 ppmFSV

Gain/scale/amplification deviation (at 23°C)


< 190 ppm

Non-linearity over the whole measuring range


< 150 ppmFSV

Repeatability, over 24 h, with averaging


< 50 ppmFSV

Temperature coefficient


< 10 ppm/K typ.


< 20 ppmFSV/K typ.

< 0.4 µV/K typ.

Largest short-term deviation during a specified electrical interference test

< ±tbd. % = tbd. ppmFSV typ.

Input impedance ±Input 1

(internal resistance)


Differential typ. approx. 10 MΩ || 6 nF

CommonMode typ. approx. 20 nF against SGND

Common Mode typ. 500 kΩ || 0.2 nF against AGND

2) The analog measurement is always done with 24 bits, in 16-bit mode the eight least significant bits are cut off. For further information see chapter “Commissioning”/ “Process data overview”

6) Calculated value according to equation in chapter "General information on measuring accuracy/measurement uncertainty" for quick estimation of usability over the specified ambient temperature range in operation (Tambient). In real use, for example at a relatively constant ambient temperature Tambient, a lower (better) achievable uncertainty is attained. A specific calculation according to chapter "General information on measuring accuracy/measurement uncertainty" is recommended, especially if the instrument allows a wider ambient temperature range in operation than 0...55 °C.

ELM3344 (1 ksps)

Noise (without filtering)

ENoise, PtP

< tbd. ppmFSV

< tbd. digits

< tbd. µV

ENoise, RMS

< tbd. ppmFSV

< tbd. digits

< tbd. µV

Max. SNR

> tbd. dB


< tbd. Measurement ±20 mV 1:

Noise (with 50 Hz FIR filter)

ENoise, PtP

< tbd. ppmFSV

< tbd. digits

< tbd. µV

ENoise, RMS

< tbd. ppmFSV

< tbd. digits

< tbd. µV

Max. SNR

> tbd. dB

Common-mode rejection ratio (without filter), typ.

DC: >tbd. dB

50 Hz: >tbd. dB

1 kHz: >tbd. dB

Common-mode rejection ratio (with 50 Hz FIR filter), typ.

DC: >tbd. dB

50 Hz: >tbd. dB

1 kHz: >tbd. dB

ELM3348 (1 ksps)

Noise (without filtering)

ENoise, PtP

< tbd. ppmFSV

< tbd. digits

< tbd. µV

ENoise, RMS

< tbd. ppmFSV

< tbd. digits

< tbd. µV

Max. SNR

> tbd. dB


< tbd. Measurement ±20 mV 2:

Noise (with 50 Hz FIR filter)

ENoise, PtP

< tbd. ppmFSV


< tbd. µV

ENoise, RMS

< tbd. ppmFSV

< tbd. digits

< tbd. µV

Max. SNR

> tbd. dB

Common-mode rejection ratio (without filter), typ.

DC: >tbd. dB

50 Hz: >tbd. dB

1 kHz: >tbd. dB

Common-mode rejection ratio (with 50 Hz FIR filter), typ.

DC: >tbd. dB

50 Hz: >tbd. dB

1 kHz: >tbd. dB

Measurement ±20 mV 3:
Representation ±20 mV measurement range

Note: In Extended Range Mode the Underrange/Overrange display in the PDO status has the character of an information/warning when the nominal measuring range is exceeded, i.e. no Error is displayed in the PDO status and LED. If the technical measuring range is also exceeded, Error = TRUE is also displayed. The detection limit for Underrange/Overrange Error can be set in the CoE.

In Legacy Range mode, an Underrange/Overrange event also leads to an Error in the PDO status.