ELM3002-0205 – Introduction

ELM3002-0205 – Introduction 1:


ELM3002-0205 – Introduction 2:

Device for connection to hazardous voltage, observe instructions!

2-channel analog input terminal ±60 V...±1200 V, 24-bit, 50 ksps, electrically isolated, 4 mm socket

The ELM3002-0205 EtherCAT Terminal from the basic series is designed for high-voltage measurement on batteries and generators and supports the 60/360/600 and 1200 V measuring ranges. The measuring range is selected in the CoE, as are the other setting options, e.g. the filter parameters. Regardless of the signal configuration, all ELM3x0x terminals have similar technological properties, the ELM3002-0205 with oversampling offers a maximum sampling rate of 50,000 samples per second and channel. The terminal is equipped with 4 mm safety laboratory sockets.

Optional calibration certificate:

Comprehensive documentation is available from Beckhoff Sales, Support or measurement@beckhoff.com.

Quick links

ELM3002-0205 – Safety instructions

EtherCAT basics

Mounting and wiring

Process data overview

Connection view

Object description and parameterization