Recommendations for use

Comparison of properties depending on switching technology



FET/Solid State

EMR, Electromagnetic Relay


ELM264x, EL264x

ELM274x, EL27xx


Switching characteristics

"real" switch, completely disconnects

semiconductor switches, always low leakage current

"real" switch, completely disconnects

Transition resistance




Repeat stability Ron


Very well

Very well

Overload behavior


Less sensitive


Switching speed **)


Very fast


Dependence of properties on the ambient temperature




Leakage current when open

Very low

Higher, increasing with operating temperature, several nA

Very low

Resulting offset/thermovoltage

Yes, several ±10 µV

Low, a few ±1 µV

Yes, higher than reed, also due to self-heating


Yes, gradual aging with normal use

Typ. failure: non-conductive

Low, if at all, then sudden failure

Typ. failure: conductive

Yes, gradual aging with normal use

Typ. failure: non-conductive

AC behavior (alternating signals), crosstalk


Less good, to be assessed applicatively


Recommended use

Use at fluctuating ambient temperature

4-wire resistance measurements

Use at room temperature

2-wire resistance measurements

Thermocouples (as long as the ambient temperature does not change significantly)

Current peaks

Frequent/fast switching


2) it is not so much the Ton/Toff time of the switching element that is decisive with regard to the switching speed, but rather the time it takes for the device's internal firmware to control the switches.

If a switching element such as the EL2xxx/ELM2xxx is used for the manipulation of demanding analog signals, it should always be borne in mind that temperature changes affect properties of all kinds and can change them adversely. This must be taken into account when designing the system.

In addition, the switching elements always bring ohmic/inductive/capacitive influences into the system. Offset matching is recommended for voltage or resistance measurement.

In general, "complete" all-pole switching of the signals is recommended, i.e. all six lines in the case of a 6-wire DMS connection. If this is deviated from and, for example, only the signal line (+) is switched in a 2-pin IEPE connection

Like any technical device, a switching terminal can fail: on the one hand by non-switching although it is supposed to switch, e.g. "contact destroyed" and, on the other hand, by permanent connection although it is supposed to disconnect, e.g. "contact sticks". Sufficient plausibility queries should be provided for this purpose on the receiving side.

Additional notes:

Concrete examples of MUX applications with Beckhoff analog inputs

RTD to EL320x terminals

Interference of multiplexers in the signal curve

Ideally, the sensor and the evaluation input (measuring device) are connected directly (without connectors) and via the shortest possible cable. The insertion of multiplexers (or other elements, such as connectors, extension cables, etc.) between the sensor and the evaluation input therefore fundamentally changes the direct signal flow from source to sink in a real setup. This is intentional when the switch is open, but also especially - rather unintentionally - when the switch is closed. The switching element, including the necessary cables and plug-in transitions, generally generate interference that changes or falsifies the measurement results. This must generally be observed when using switches in the signal flow. Depending on the type of signal, the special operation of the switches in multiplex mode also has an influence on the signal; among other things, crosstalk, attenuation and reflections may occur and settling times may have to be taken into account during switching operations.

Recommendations for use 4:
Interruption of the "direct" signal flow of the sensor signals to the measurement input in the real setup

Potential influence of switches on high-frequency signals

Depending on signal frequency/frequencies and amplitude (signal strength), frequency-dependent effects may occur in the multiplexer and between the unavoidable lines. Here are some observations and notes:

Potential influence of switches on IEPE signals

IEPE sensors generate an offset voltage (bias) of approx. 10..14 V, on which the information-relevant AC voltage of, for example, ±5 V is modulated. The offset voltage must first be adjusted after switching on; the high-pass (HP) filter, which is usually present, must first settle in order to suppress the DC offset for evaluation (the faster (i.e. higher) the HP filter frequency is set, the faster the settling takes place, but the less sensitive the measurement becomes for low-frequency signals).
All in all, this results in the effect that a settling time must be observed after the switch-on process. With direct connections between sensor and evaluation unit, it is necessary to wait for settling to complete once at the start of operation. In industrial plants, whose ramp-up times can be considerable, the settling time is therefore often not even noticed.

In multiplexing mode, however, the supply of current-supplied sensors is interrupted with each switchover and the bias voltage must constantly be re-established by the subsequent switch-on process in this operation mode. Measured data recorded during the settling time are to be considered invalid. In order to minimize the loss of system performance when signal monitoring is required to assess the validity of the measured data, it is instead advisable to determine the settling time as a function of relevant parameters. This allows a delay time to be taken into account in the measuring system between switching over and the start of measurement, which does not last longer than necessary. The duration of the settling time depends on (in descending order of weighting):

and can range from a few seconds to the high minute range.

The following diagram shows examples of settling times during switch-on processes with one of the combinations of ELM3602 (24 bits, 50 kSps) and ELM2742 (SolidState):

Recommendations for use 5:
Examples of settling time as a function of filter cut-off frequency (ELM3602 in combination with ELM2742)

Recommended procedure: if a high-pass filter can be set in the measuring device by the control unit and ideally the IEPE current can also be set/ switched off, the following procedure could be used in the event of a switchover:

It is necessary that these settings are possible in the measuring device and that the measured value is not changed by the filter switchover, e.g. with the ELM360x IEPE terminal.