Commissioning without NC, status word/control word
(Master: TwinCAT 2.11 R3)
In principle, the operating modes CST, CSTCA, CSV and CSP can be used without TwinCAT NC.
Output stage enabled via control word
The output stage has to be enabled for each operating mode. To this end enter the following values in the specified order via the PLC control word (MDP742 / DS402) (see Fig. DS402 State Machine).
The respective status messages are output in the status word (MDP742 / DS402).
80hex (Fault reset)
6hex (Shutdown)
7hex (Switch on)
Fhex (Enable operation)

CST - cyclic synchronous torque
Select Cyclic synchronous torque mode in index 0x7010:03 Modes of operation (MDP) or 0x6060:0 Modes of operation (DS402). The Predefined PDO Assignment: 'Cyclic synchronous torque mode (CST)' should also be selected in the respective process data (see CoE process data or DS402 process data). The configuration then has to be reloaded in order to activate the selection.
Index 0x6010:03 Modes of operation display (MDP) or 0x6061:0 Modes of operation display (DS402) can be used to check the actual mode of the servo terminal.
Via the PLC a defined torque can be set in the variable Target torque as a target value for the servo terminal. The torque is specified in 1000th of the rated current. A value of 1000dec, for example, corresponds to the set index 0x8011:12 Rated current (MDP) or index 0x6075:0 Motor rated current (DS402). The value 1dec corresponds to one 1000th of the rated current.
CSTCA - cyclic synchronous torque with commutation angle
Select Cyclic synchronous torque mode with commutation angle in index 0x7010:03 Modes of operation (MDP) or 0x6060:0Modes of operation (DS402). The Predefined PDO Assignment: 'Cyclic synchronous torque mode with commutation angle mode (CSTCA)' should also be selected in the respective process data (see CoE process data or DS402 process data). The configuration then has to be reloaded in order to activate the selection.
Index 0x6010:03 Modes of operation display (MDP) or 0x6061:0 Modes of operation display (DS402) can be used to check the actual mode of the servo terminal.
Via the PLC a defined torque can be set in the Target torque variable as a basis for the servo terminal control. In the Commutation angle variable the angle to be maintained with the set torque can be specified. The torque is specified in 1000th of the rated current. A value of 1000dec, for example, corresponds to the set index 0x8011:12 Rated current (MDP) or index 0x6075:0 Motor rated current (DS402). The value 1dec corresponds to one 1000th of the rated current.
The angle value must be converted, 65536dec corresponds to 360°.
CSV - cyclic synchronous velocity
Select Cyclic synchronous velocity in index 0x7010:03 Modes of operation (MDP) or index 0x6060:0 Modes of operation (DS402). The Predefined PDO Assignment: 'Cyclic synchronous velocity mode (CSV)' should also be selected in the respective process data (see CoE process data or DS402 process data). The configuration then has to be reloaded in order to activate the selection.
Index 0x6010:03 Modes of operation display (MDP) or 0x6061:0 Modes of operation display (DS402) can be used to check the actual mode of the servo terminal.
Via the PLC a defined speed can be set as control parameter for the servo terminal in the variable Target velocity 0x7010:06 (MDP) or 0x60FF:0 (DS402). The constant value Velocity encoder resolution in CoE object 0x9010:14 (MDP) or 0x6090:0 (DS402) corresponds to 1 revolution per second. If this value is entered under Target velocity, the motor speed is 1 rev. per sec. The velocity can be increased by entering a suitable multiple of the Velocity encoder resolution value under Target velocity.
CSP - cyclic synchronous position
Select Cyclic synchronous position in index 0x7010:03 Modes of operation (MDP) or index 0x6060:0 Modes of operation (DS402).
Similarly, the Predefined PDO Assignment: 'Cyclic synchronous position mode (CSP)' should be selected in the respective process data (see CoE process data or DS402 process data). The configuration then has to be reloaded in order to activate the selection.
Index 0x6010:03 Modes of operation display (MDP) or 0x6061:0 Modes of operation display (DS402) can be used to check the actual mode of the servo terminal.
Via the PLC a defined position can be set in the variable Target position 0x7010:05 (MDP) or 0x607A:0 (DS402) to which the motor is to drive. The calculated scaling factor is taken as the basis for the calculation of the position. The value entered in the Target position variable must be multiplied by the calculated scaling factor.