States of the internal state machine
The state (drive controller) (Index 0x9020:03) provides information about the current state of the internal state machine. For diagnostic purposes this can be read out by the PLC for the propagation delay. The internal cycle works constantly with 250 µs. A connected PLC cycle is very probably slower (e.g. 1 ms). For this reason it may be the case that some states are not visible at all in the PLC, since these will sometimes run through only one internal cycle.
Name | ID | Description |
INIT | 0x0000 | Initialization/preparation for the next travel command |
IDLE | 0x0001 | Wait for the next travel command |
START | 0x0010 | The new command is evaluated and the corresponding calculations are performed |
ACCEL | 0x0011 | Acceleration phase |
CONST | 0x0012 | Constant phase |
DECEL | 0x0013 | Deceleration phase |
EMCY | 0x0020 | An “Emergency stop” has been triggered |
STOP | 0x0021 | The motor has stopped |
CALI_START | 0x0100 | Start of a calibration command |
CALI_GO_CAM | 0x0110 | The motor is being driven towards the cam |
CALI_ON_CAM | 0x0111 | The cam has been reached |
CALI_GO_SYNC | 0x0120 | The motor is being driven in the direction of the HW sync pulse |
CALI_LEAVE_CAM | 0x0121 | The motor is being driven away from the cam |
CALI_STOP | 0x0130 | End of the calibration phase |
CALIBRATED | 0x0140 | The motor is calibrated |
NOT_CALIBRATED | 0x0141 | The motor is not calibrated |
PRE_TARGET | 0x1000 | The set position has been reached; the position controller “pulls” the motor further into the target; “In-Target timeout” is started here |
TARGET | 0x1001 | The motor has reached the target window within the timeout |
TARGET_RESTART | 0x1002 | A dynamic change of the target position is processed here |
END | 0x2000 | End of the positioning phase |
WARNING | 0x4000 | A warning state occurred during the travel command; this is processed here |
ERROR | 0x8000 | An error state occurred during the travel command; this is processed here |
UNDEFINED | 0xFFFF | Undefined state (can occur, for example, if the driver stage has no control voltage) |