Process data tab

Under Siemens AG or Profidrive MC, the boxes Profidrive MC and Profidrive MC (twice) may be selected. By default, the box will have the settings for a Simodrive 611U with standard telegram 3. For other PROFIBUS MC slaves, the identification number must be appropriately changed on the slave's Profibus tab. The required telegram type can be set on the ProcessData tab and must usually correspond with parameter 922 of the PROFIBUS MC slaves, which can be set via a manufacturer-specific configuration tool (SimoCon U forSimodrive 611U).
This tab also has a check-box "PKW interface", which will activate the PKW interface. This enables online display of the box parameters on the Online tab (hitherto this only worked with the Simodrive 611U, since a parameter file generated by the SimoCon U is required). In any case it is possible to read and write the parameters via the PKW interface per ADS (see the PKW Protocol section).