Latch (EL5151 only)
Activating the latch C input (“C”) and latching the counter value
- The counter value is saved in Latch value (index: 0x6000:12) upon the first latch pulse (positive edge on input “C”) after setting the bit (TRUE) in Enable latch C (index: 0x7000:01) (takes priority over Enable latch extern on positive / negative edge index: 0x7000:02 / 0x7000:04). If the bit is set, the subsequent pulses on the other inputs have no effect on the latch value in Latch value (index: 0x6000:12).
- After re-activation of Enable latch C (index: 0x7000:01), the next counter value at the latch input can be written only if the value of the Latch C valid bit (index 0x6000:01 FALSE) has been reset.
Activation of the external latch input and saving (“latching”) of the counter value (index 0x7000:02, 0x7000:04)
- The counter value at the latch input Latch value (index 0x6000:12) will be saved upon the first external latch pulse with a positive edge if the bit (TRUE) is set in Enable extern latch on positive edge (index: 0x7000: 02). The subsequent pulses have no influence on the latch value in Latch value (index: 0x6000:12).
- The counter value at the latch input Latch value (index: 0x6000:12) will be saved upon the first external latch pulse with a negative edge if the bit (TRUE) is set in Enable extern latch on negative edge (index: 0x7000: 04). The subsequent pulses have no influence on the latch value in Latch value (index: 0x6000:12).
- After re-activation, a new counter value on the latch input can be written only if the value of the Latch extern valid bit (index: 0x6000:02) has been reset.