Function block “MC_DigitalCamSwitch_EL5131”

If the axis is controlled from the TwinCAT Motion function environment, the NC, the axis parameters are stored in the NC, including the adjustment of the scaling factor for the encoder. In addition to the actual encoder position, the specification of the individual cams is decisive for the implementation of a digital cam controller. In order to have a consistent calculation basis, it is helpful to use the position data scaled by the NC directly to determine the cam positions.

The library TF5065 “Motion Control XFC/ XFC NC I” provides a function block “MC_DigitalCamSwitch_EL5131” for the commissioning of a cam controller based on the EL5131.

Function block “MC_DigitalCamSwitch_EL5131” 1:
Function block “MC_DigitalCamSwitch_EL5131”

The use of the function block “MC_DigitalCamSwitch_EL5131” offers the following advantages:


Development environment

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4024.55

Tc2_MC2 3.3.59
Tc2_MC2_XFC 3.3.25

Notes on using the function block “MC_DigitalCamSwitch_EL5131”

The EL5131 provides two digital outputs that represent two independent cam tracks.

For each cam track

Function block “MC_DigitalCamSwitch_EL5131” 2:

No mixed operation of different directions within one cam track

Mixed operation in different directions is not permitted within the cam track.

  • Make sure that the same direction is selected for each cam within the cam track.

Further information can be found in the TwinCAT 3 documentation TF5065 “Motion Control XFC/XFC NC I” in the chapter “Cam controller” – “MC_DigitalCamSwitch_EL5131”.