Frequency measurement

The terminal offers the option of calculating and outputting the frequency value in addition to the counter value. The following limit values apply to the determination of measured values:

Measured value

Measured value limit




Frequency value

0.095 Hz

1 MHz

with 4-fold evaluation
Signal type: TTL (single ended), open collector

0.095 Hz

100 kHz

with 4-fold evaluation
Signal type: open collector

Sequence of frequency measurement (frequency value)

The frequency is calculated from the number of increments or position value changes within a time interval. The result is output via the process data in index 0x60n0:13 "Frequency value".

Frequency = number of periods / time interval

Number of periods

The number of complete periods on track A within the timeframe (0x80n0:11) is measured. Counting starts with the first rising edge within the timeframe (index 0x80n0:11 "Frequency window").

Time interval

The time measurement starts with the first rising edge on track A within the "Frequency window" and ends with the last falling edge within the "Frequency window". The time is measured with a resolution of 10 ns.

Special case:
If no full period is measured within the timeframe (Frequency window), another time window is started. The maximum time measurement for recording an entire period is limited by the frequency wait time.

Frequency measurement 1:
Frequency measurement - "Frequency value"

Correct selection of the frequency window:

In delivery state the frequency window of the frequency measurement is set to 10 ms.

The accuracy and size of the determined frequency depends on the size of the timeframe (0x80n0:11 "Frequency window"), which must be selected to match the application. The minimum value to be entered here is twice the period value of the smallest measured frequency.

Frequency measurement 2:

At constant speeds, select a larger timeframe so that the best possible averaging can take place.

In situations where frequent positive or negative accelerations are encountered, select a smaller timeframe in order to be able to respond more quickly to changing position values. Alternatively, period value measurement can be used for situations with variable speeds.

Special case: frequency measurement

If no full period is detected within the "Frequency window" (see diagram (1) below), another time Frequency window is started in order to record at least one full period (see diagram (2) below). This happens until the maximum waiting time (0x80n0:17 "Frequency wait time") has elapsed. Until then the last valid value is output in index 0x60n0:13 "Frequency value".

If no full period is detected within the waiting time, the measurement is discarded and the output in index 0x60n0:13 "Frequency value" is set to "0".

Frequency measurement 3:
Frequency measurement outside the frequency window with waiting time
Frequency measurement 4:

Difference frequency and period value measurement

The period value is recalculated for each cycle and output in the process data. The frequency measurement always averages the measured periods over a timeframe. The "Period value" is therefore a current value, the "Frequency value" is an averaged value.