Inputs in two-channel mode

Input functions in two-channel mode

The number of available inputs depends on the operating mode.
The table provides a brief overview of the EL5112 input functions in two-channel mode.
Please refer to the detailed function descriptions in the respective chapters.

Two-channel mode 2 x AB

Counter value

PLC variable

Gate/Latch combination input


Enable setting:
0x70n0:03 „Set counter“ = TRUE

to the value:
0x70n0:11 „Set counter value“

Enable setting:
0x70n0:0A/0B „Set counter on latch extern on positive/negative edge“ = TRUE

to the value:
0x70n0:11 „Set counter value“



Enable resetting:
0x80n0:02 „Enable extern reset“

to the value:
0x80n1:1B „Reset counter value“



Enable saving:
0x70n0:02/04 „Enable latch extern on positive/negative edge“ = TRUE

Save current counter value in:
0x60n0:12 „Latch value“


0x70n0:09 "Set software gate" = TRUE

Enable locking

with HIGH level:
0x80n0:04 „Gate polarity“ = 1

with LOW level:
0x80n0:04 „Gate polarity“ = 2

Inputs in two-channel mode 1:

Simultaneous use of gate and latch in two-channel mode 2xAB

When using index 0x80n0:04 "Gate polarity" (1 = "Enable pos. gate") and simultaneously activating index 0x70n0:02 "Enable latch extern on positive edge", the current counter value is initially stored in index 0x60n0:12 "Latch value" when a positive edge is detected at the Gate/Latch input. The counter value is then blocked.

The same applies to the use of index 0x80n0:04 "Gate polarity" (2 = "Enable neg. gate") and simultaneous activation of index 0x70n0:04 "Enable latch extern on negative edge" at a negative edge at the Gate/Latch input.