Sync Manager (SM)

The scope of process data offered can be modified via the "Process Data" tab (see Fig. EL5101 - Process Data tab SM3, (Legacy) below).

1. In order to configure the process data, select the desired Sync Manager (SM2 and SM3 can be edited here) in the upper left-hand "Sync Manager" field (see fig. below).
2. The process data assigned to this Sync Manager can then be switched on or off in the “PDO Assignment” box underneath.
3. Restarting the EtherCAT system, or reloading the configuration in configuration mode (F4), causes the EtherCAT communication to restart, and the process data is transferred from the terminal.

A detailed description for setting the process data can be found in chapter Process Data tab.

Sync Manager (SM) 1:
EL5101 - Process data SM3 tab (Legacy)