PDO presentation, 0x80n00:02
Index 0x80n00:02 "Presentation" offers the possibility to change the digital presentation of the measured value in the 16-bit value. Three value presentations are possible in the 16-bit PDO:

- Signed (default setting):
The measured value with resolution 1 bit = 1/10°C is displayed signed in two's complement.
Maximum representation range for 16 bit = -32768... +32767, corresponding theoretically to -3276.8°C... +3276.7°C (in reality, the measured value is limited by the set RTD transformation).
Example: - 1000 0000 0000 0000bin = 0x8000hex = - 32768dec
- 1111 1111 1111 1110bin = 0xFFFEhex = - 2dec
- 1111 1111 1111 1111bin = 0xFFFFhex = - 1dec
- 0000 0000 0000 0001bin = 0x0001hex = +1dec
- 0000 0000 0000 0010bin = 0x0002hex = +2dec
- 0111 1111 1111 1111bin = 0x7FFFhex = +32767dec
- High resolution:
The measured value with resolution 1 bit = 1/100°C is displayed signed in two's complement, see there. Maximum representation range for 16 bit = -32768... +32767, corresponding theoretically to -327.68°C... +327.67°C (in reality the measured value is limited by the set transformation, but can be extended by user scaling).
The achievable accuracy is not increased by the more detailed presentation! However, the additional decimal place can be useful for control tasks, where the internal ADC resolution limits the resolution.
Measured value and process data output
Measured value | Output | Output | In 1/10°C, | In 1/100°C, |
-250.0°C | 0xF63C | -2500 | -250°C | -25°C |
-200.0°C | 0xF830 | -2000 | -200°C | -20°C |
-100.0°C | 0xFC18 | -1000 | -100°C | -10°C |
-0.1°C | 0xFFFF | -1 | -0.1°C | -0.01°C |
0.0°C | 0x0000 | 0 | 0°C | 0°C |
0.1°C | 0x0001 | 1 | 0.1°C | 0.01°C |
100.0°C | 0x03E8 | 1000 | 100°C | 10°C |
200.0°C | 0x07D0 | 2000 | 200°C | 20°C |
500.0°C | 0x1388 | 5000 | 500°C | 50°C |
850.0°C | 0x2134 | 8500 | 850°C | 85°C |
1000.0°C | 0x2170 | 10000 | 1000°C | 100°C |
- Absolute value with MSB as sign:
The measured value with resolution 1 bit = 1/10°C is output signed in the signed amount presentation.
Maximum presentation range with 16 bit = -32768... +32767, corresponding theoretically to -3276.8°C ... +3276.7°C (in reality the measured value is limited by the set transformation)
Example: - 1111 1111 1111 1111bin = 0xFFFFhex = - 32767dec
- 1000 0000 0000 0010bin = 0x8002hex = - 2dec
- 1000 0000 0000 0001bin = 0x8001hex = - 1dec
- 0000 0000 0000 0001bin = 0x0001hex = +1dec
- 0000 0000 0000 0010bin = 0x0002hex = +2dec
- 0111 1111 1111 1111bin = 0x7FFFhex = +32767dec
Presentation note on the "Resistance measurement" operation mode
In "Resistance Measurement" mode, the measured value is always displayed unsigned, irrespective of the "Presentation" setting (object 0x80n00:02), as 0..0xFFFF with the respective value.
1/16 Ω -> ~62 mΩ/digit
1/64 Ω -> ~15 mΩ/digit