Limit 1 and limit 2, Swap Limit Bits

Limit 1 and limit 2, index 0x80n0:13, index 0x80n0:14

If the value exceeds or falls below these values, which can be entered in the indices 0x80n0:13 and 0x80n0:14, then the bits in the indices 0x60n0:03 and 0x60n0:05 are set accordingly (see example below). The indices 0x80n0:07 or 0x80n0:08 serve to activate the limit value monitoring.

Output limit n (2-bit):

Limit 1 and limit 2, Swap Limit Bits 1:

Limit evaluation

The limit evaluation assumes a signed representation. The conversion to the desired representation (index 0x80n0:02) only takes place after the limit evaluation.

Limit 1 and limit 2, Swap Limit Bits 2:

Linking in the PLC with 2-bit values

The limit information consists of 2 bits. Limitn can be linked to the PLC or a task in the System Manager.

Limit 1 and limit 2, Swap Limit Bits 4:Fig.191: Linking of 2-bit variable to additional task

Example for EL3162:

Channel 1; Limit 1 and Limit 2 enabled, Limit 1 = 2.8 V, Limit 2 = 7.4 V, representation: signed integer

Entry in index (Limit 1): 0x8000:13
(2.8 V / 10 V) x 216 / 2 - 1 = 9.174dec

Entry in index (Limit 2): 0x8000:14
(7.4 V / 10 V) x 216 / 2 - 1 = 24.247dec


Input channel 1

Index 0x6000:03

Index 0x6000:05

1.8 V

0x01hex, (Limit 1, limit value undershot)

0x01hex, (Limit 2, limit value undershot)

2.8 V

0x03hex, (Limit 1, limit value reached)

0x01hex, (Limit 2, limit value undershot)

4.2 V

0x02hex, (Limit 1, limit value exceeded)

0x01hex, (Limit 2, limit value undershot)

8.5 V

0x02hex, (Limit 1, limit value exceeded)

0x02hex, (Limit 2, limit value exceeded)

Swap Limit index 0x80n0:0E

The limit function can be inverted by SwapLimitBits in index 0x80n0:0E.

Output Limit n (2-bit):

SwapLimitBits setting


FALSE (default setting)

  • 0: not active
  • 1: value < limit value
  • 2: value > limit value
  • 3: Value is equal to the limit value


  • 0: not active
  • 1: value > limit value
  • 2: value < limit value
  • 3: Value is equal to the limit value

The Swap limit function is available according to the table below


Swap limit function from

EL31x1, EL31x4

All firmware versions


All firmware versions


Firmware 08


Firmware 08


Firmware 08


Firmware 08


Firmware 09


Firmware 08

EL3174, EL3174-00xx

All firmware versions