Device diagnostics
General error (index 0xF600:11)
If the “Common Fault” bit (index 0xF600:11) is set, there is an error on one or more channels.
It is thus possible in the “Compact Diagnostics” process mode to determine that errors have occurred on one or more channels.
Device overtemperature (index 0xF600:12)
The device temperature rises due to an overload, a short-circuit or excessively high ambient temperature. If the device temperature exceeds the upper limit value, the overloaded channels are switched off. The “Overtemperature Device” bit (index 0xF600:12) is set. All other channels continue to operate properly.
If the device temperature falls below the lower limit value the “Overtemperature Device” bit (index 0xF600:12) is reset. If the channel temperature also falls below the lower limit value, the respective channels are switched on again.
Undervoltage (index 0xF600:13)
If the “Undervoltage” bit (index 0xF600:13) is set, the supply voltage of the terminal has fallen below typically 17 V.
Voltage loss (index 0xF600:14)
If the error bit in “Missing Voltage” (index 0xF600:14) is set, the supply voltage of the terminal has fallen below typically 14 V.