Control and status word
Control word
The control word (CW) is located in the output process image, and is transmitted from the controller to the terminal.
Bit | CW.15 | CW.14 | CW.13 | CW.12 | CW.11 | CW.10 | CW.9 | CW.8 |
Name | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Bit | CW.7 | CW.6 | CW.5 | CW.4 | CW.3 | CW.2 | CW.1 | CW.0 |
Name | - | - | CNT_CLR | - | - | GO_COUNTER | RAMP_DIS | FREQ_SEL |
Bit | Name | Description | |
CW.8 - CW.15 | - | - | reserved |
CW.7 | - | - | reserved |
CW.6 | - | - | reserved |
CW.5 | CNT_CLR | 1bin | The counter value is cleared or set by this bit (index 0x8000:0B). Any overflow/underflow bits that have been set are also cleared by this bit. This process can be edge-controlled or level-controlled (index 0x8000:05). |
CW.4 | - | - | reserved |
CW.3 | - | - | reserved |
CW.2 | GO_COUNTER | 1bin | If travel distance control is activated (index 0x8000:0A), a specified counter value is driven to if the bit is set. |
CW.1 | RAMP_DIS | 1bin | The ramp function is disabled despite active index 0x8000:06; if the travel distance control is active it is aborted by this bit. |
CW.0 | FREQ_SEL | 0bin / 1bin | Fast toggling of the base frequency (only if ramp function is deactivated) |
Status word
The status word (SW) is located in the input process image, and is transmitted from terminal to the controller.
Bit | SW.15 | SW.14 | SW.13 | SW.12 | SW.11 | SW.10 | SW.9 | SW.8 |
Name | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Bit | SW.7 | SW.6 | SW.5 | SW.4 | SW.3 | SW.2 | SW.1 | SW.0 |
Bit | Name | Description | |
SW.8 - SW.15 | - | - | reserved |
SW.7 | - | - | reserved |
SW.6 | ERROR | 1bin | General error bit, is set together with overrange and underrange |
SW.5 | INPUT_Z | 1bin | Status of the input INPUT_Z |
SW.4 | INPUT_T | 1bin | Status of the input INPUT_T |
SW.3 | OVERFLOW | 1bin | This bit is set if the 16-bit counter overflows (65535 -> 0). It is reset when the counter exceeds one third of its measuring range (21845 -> 21846) or immediately an underflow occurs. |
SW.2 | UNDERFLOW | 1bin | This bit is set if the 16-bit counter underflows (0 -> 65535). It is reset when the counter drops below two thirds of its measuring range (43690 -> 43689) or immediately an overflow occurs. |
SW.1 | RAMP_ACTIVE | 1bin | Ramp is currently being followed |
SW.0 | SEL_ACK/ | 1bin | Confirms the change of base frequency. |