CoE Interface

General description

The CoE interface (CAN application protocol over EtherCAT interface) is used for parameter management of EtherCAT devices. EtherCAT slaves or the EtherCAT master manage fixed (read only) or variable parameters which they require for operation, diagnostics or commissioning.

CoE parameters are arranged in a table hierarchy. In principle, the user has access via the fieldbus. The EtherCAT master (TwinCAT System Manager) can access the local CoE lists of the slaves via EtherCAT in read or write mode, depending on the attributes.

Different CoE data types are possible, including string (text), integer numbers, Boolean values or larger byte fields. They can be used to describe a wide range of features. Examples of such parameters include manufacturer ID, serial number, process data settings, device name, calibration values for analog measurement or passwords.

The order is specified in two levels via hexadecimal numbering: (main)index, followed by subindex.

The value ranges are

A parameter localized in this way is normally written as 0x8010:07, with preceding “0x” to identify the hexadecimal numerical range and a colon between index and subindex.

The relevant ranges for EtherCAT fieldbus users are:

Other important ranges are:

CoE Interface 1:


Not every EtherCAT device must have a CoE list. Simple I/O modules without dedicated processor usually have no variable parameters and therefore no CoE list.

If a device has a CoE list, it is shown in the TwinCAT System Manager as a separate tab with a listing of the elements:

CoE Interface 2:Fig.14: “CoE Online” tab

The figure “’CoE Online’ tab” shows the CoE objects available in device “EL2502”, ranging from 0x1000 to 0x1600. The subindices for 0x1018 are expanded.


Changes in the CoE directory (CAN over EtherCAT directory), program access

When using/manipulating the CoE parameters observe the general CoE notes in chapter "CoE interface" of the EtherCAT system documentation:

Data management and function “NoCoeStorage”

Some parameters, particularly the setting parameters of the slave, are configurable and writeable,

CoE Interface 3:

Data management

If slave CoE parameters are modified online, Beckhoff devices store any changes in a fail-safe manner in the EEPROM, i.e. the modified CoE parameters are still available after a restart.
The situation may be different with other manufacturers.

An EEPROM is subject to a limited lifetime with respect to write operations. From typically 100,000 write operations onwards it can no longer be guaranteed that new (changed) data are reliably saved or are still readable. This is irrelevant for normal commissioning. However, if CoE parameters are continuously changed via ADS at machine runtime, it is quite possible for the lifetime limit to be reached. Support for the NoCoeStorage function, which suppresses the saving of changed CoE values, depends on the firmware version.
Please refer to the technical data in this documentation as to whether this applies to the respective device.

    • If the function is supported: the function is activated by entering the code word 0x12345678 once in CoE index 0xF008 and remains active as long as the code word is not changed. After switching the device on it is then inactive. Changed CoE values are not saved in the EEPROM and can thus be changed any number of times.
    • If the function is not supported: continuous changing of CoE values is not permissible in view of the lifetime limit.
    CoE Interface 4:

    Startup list

    Changes in the local CoE list of the terminal are lost if the terminal is replaced. If a terminal is replaced with a new Beckhoff terminal, it will have the default settings. It is therefore advisable to link all changes in the CoE list of an EtherCAT slave with the Startup list of the slave, which is processed whenever the EtherCAT fieldbus is started. In this way a replacement EtherCAT slave can automatically be parameterized with the specifications of the user.

    If EtherCAT slaves are used which are unable to store local CoE values permanently, the Startup list must be used.

    Recommended approach for manual modification of CoE parameters

    CoE Interface 5:Fig.15: Startup list in the TwinCAT System Manager

    The Startup list may already contain values that were configured by the System Manager based on the ESI specifications. Additional application-specific entries can also be created.

    Online / offline list

    When working with the TwinCAT System Manager, a distinction must be made as to whether the EtherCAT device is currently "available", i.e. switched on and connected via EtherCAT - i.e. online - or whether a configuration is created offline without slaves being connected.

    In both cases a CoE list as shown in Fig. “CoE online tab” is displayed. The connectivity is shown as offline/online.

    CoE Interface 7:Fig.17: Online list

    Channel-based order

    The CoE list is available in EtherCAT devices that usually feature several functionally equivalent channels, for example, a 4-channel analog input terminal also has four logical channels and therefore four identical sets of parameter data for the channels. In order to avoid having to list each channel in the documentation, the placeholder “n” tends to be used for the individual channel numbers.

    In the CoE system 16 indices, each with 255 subindices, are generally sufficient for representing all channel parameters. The channel-based order is therefore arranged in 16dec or 10hex steps. The parameter range 0x8000 exemplifies this:

    This is generally written as 0x80n0.

    Detailed information on the CoE interface can be found in the EtherCAT system documentation on the Beckhoff website.