ONLINE configuration creation

Detecting/scanning of the EtherCAT device

The online device search can be used if the TwinCAT system is in CONFIG mode. This can be indicated by a symbol right below in the information bar:

TwinCAT can be set into this mode:

ONLINE configuration creation 5:

Online scanning in Config mode

The online search is not available in RUN mode (production operation). Note the differentiation between TwinCAT programming system and TwinCAT target system.

The TwinCAT 2 icon (ONLINE configuration creation 6:) or TwinCAT 3 icon (ONLINE configuration creation 7:) within the Windows-Taskbar always shows the TwinCAT mode of the local IPC. Compared to that, the System Manager window of TwinCAT 2 or the user interface of TwinCAT 3 indicates the state of the target system.

ONLINE configuration creation 8:Fig.90: Differentiation local/target system (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

Right-clicking on “I/O Devices” in the configuration tree opens the search dialog.

ONLINE configuration creation 9:Fig.91: Scan Devices (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

This scan mode attempts to find not only EtherCAT devices (or Ethernet ports that are usable as such), but also NOVRAM, fieldbus cards, SMB etc. However, not all devices can be found automatically.

ONLINE configuration creation 10:Fig.92: Note for automatic device scan (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

Ethernet ports with installed TwinCAT real-time driver are shown as “RT Ethernet” devices. An EtherCAT frame is sent to these ports for testing purposes. If the scan agent detects from the response that an EtherCAT slave is connected, the port is immediately shown as an “EtherCAT Device” .

ONLINE configuration creation 11:Fig.93: Detected Ethernet devices

Via respective checkboxes devices can be selected (as illustrated in Fig. “Detected Ethernet devices” e.g. Device 3 and Device 4 were chosen). After confirmation with “OK” a device scan is suggested for all selected devices, see Fig.: “Scan query after automatic creation of an EtherCAT device”.

ONLINE configuration creation 12:

Selecting the Ethernet port

Ethernet ports can only be selected for EtherCAT devices for which the TwinCAT real-time driver is installed. This has to be done separately for each port. Please refer to the respective installation page.

Detecting/Scanning the EtherCAT devices

ONLINE configuration creation 13:

Online scan functionality

During a scan the master queries the identity information of the EtherCAT slaves from the slave EEPROM. The name and revision are used for determining the type. The respective devices are located in the stored ESI data and integrated in the configuration tree in the default state defined there.

ONLINE configuration creation 14:Fig.72: Example default state


Slave scanning in practice in series machine production

The scanning function should be used with care. It is a practical and fast tool for creating an initial configuration as a basis for commissioning. In series machine production or reproduction of the plant, however, the function should no longer be used for the creation of the configuration, but if necessary for comparison with the defined initial configuration.Background: since Beckhoff occasionally increases the revision version of the delivered products for product maintenance reasons, a configuration can be created by such a scan which (with an identical machine construction) is identical according to the device list; however, the respective device revision may differ from the initial configuration.


Company A builds the prototype of a machine B, which is to be produced in series later on. To do this the prototype is built, a scan of the IO devices is performed in TwinCAT and the initial configuration “B.tsm” is created. The EL2521-0025 EtherCAT terminal with the revision 1018 is located somewhere. It is thus built into the TwinCAT configuration in this way:

ONLINE configuration creation 15:Fig.95: Installing EthetCAT terminal with revision -1018

Likewise, during the prototype test phase, the functions and properties of this terminal are tested by the programmers/commissioning engineers and used if necessary, i.e. addressed from the PLC “” or the NC. (the same applies correspondingly to the TwinCAT 3 solution files).

The prototype development is now completed and series production of machine B starts, for which Beckhoff continues to supply the EL2521-0025-0018. If the commissioning engineers of the series machine production department always carry out a scan, a B configuration with the identical contents results again for each machine. Likewise, A might create spare parts stores worldwide for the coming series-produced machines with EL2521-0025-1018 terminals.

After some time Beckhoff extends the EL2521-0025 by a new feature C. Therefore the FW is changed, outwardly recognizable by a higher FW version and a new revision -1019. Nevertheless the new device naturally supports functions and interfaces of the predecessor version(s); an adaptation of “B.tsm” or even “” is therefore unnecessary. The series-produced machines can continue to be built with “B.tsm” and “”; it makes sense to perform a comparative scan against the initial configuration “B.tsm” in order to check the built machine.

However, if the series machine production department now doesn’t use “B.tsm”, but instead carries out a scan to create the productive configuration, the revision -1019 is automatically detected and built into the configuration:

ONLINE configuration creation 16:Fig.96: Detection of EtherCAT terminal with revision -1019

This is usually not noticed by the commissioning engineers. TwinCAT cannot signal anything either, since a new configuration is essentially created. According to the compatibility rule, however, this means that no EL2521-0025-1018 should be built into this machine as a spare part (even if this nevertheless works in the vast majority of cases).

In addition, it could be the case that, due to the development accompanying production in company A, the new feature C of the EL2521-0025-1019 (for example, an improved analog filter or an additional process data for the diagnosis) is discovered and used without in-house consultation. The previous stock of spare part devices are then no longer to be used for the new configuration “B2.tsm” created in this way. Þ if series machine production is established, the scan should only be performed for informative purposes for comparison with a defined initial configuration. Changes are to be made with care!

If an EtherCAT device was created in the configuration (manually or through a scan), the I/O field can be scanned for devices/slaves.

ONLINE configuration creation 17:Fig.97: Scan query after automatic creation of an EtherCAT device (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)
ONLINE configuration creation 18:Fig.98: Manual scanning for devices on a specified EtherCAT device (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

In the System Manager (TwinCAT 2) or the User Interface (TwinCAT 3) the scan process can be monitored via the progress bar at the bottom in the status bar.

ONLINE configuration creation 19:Fig.99: Scan progressexemplary by TwinCAT 2

The configuration is established and can then be switched to online state (OPERATIONAL).

ONLINE configuration creation 20:Fig.100: Config/FreeRun query (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

In Config/FreeRun mode the System Manager display alternates between blue and red, and the EtherCAT device continues to operate with the idling cycle time of 4 ms (default setting), even without active task (NC, PLC).

ONLINE configuration creation 21:Fig.101: Displaying of “Free Run” and “Config Mode” toggling right below in the status bar
ONLINE configuration creation 22:Fig.102: TwinCAT can also be switched to this state by using a button (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

The EtherCAT system should then be in a functional cyclic state, as shown in Fig. Online display example.

ONLINE configuration creation 23:Fig.103: Online display example

Please note:

The configuration is now complete. It can be modified as described under manual procedure.


Various effects may occur during scanning.

ONLINE configuration creation 24:Fig.104: Faulty identification

In the System Manager such devices may be set up as EK0000 or unknown devices. Operation is not possible or meaningful.

Scan over existing Configuration


Change of the configuration after comparison

With this scan (TwinCAT 2.11 or 3.1) only the device properties vendor (manufacturer), device name and revision are compared at present! A “ChangeTo” or “Copy” should only be carried out with care, taking into consideration the Beckhoff IO compatibility rule (see above). The device configuration is then replaced by the revision found; this can affect the supported process data and functions.

If a scan is initiated for an existing configuration, the actual I/O environment may match the configuration exactly or it may differ. This enables the configuration to be compared.

ONLINE configuration creation 25:Fig.105: Identical configuration (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

If differences are detected, they are shown in the correction dialog, so that the user can modify the configuration as required.

ONLINE configuration creation 26:Fig.106: Correction dialog

It is advisable to tick the “Extended Information” check box to reveal differences in the revision.




This EtherCAT slave matches the entry on the other side. Both type and revision match.


This EtherCAT slave is present on the other side, but in a different revision. This other revision can have other default values for the process data as well as other/additional functions.
If the found revision is higher than the configured revision, the slave may be used provided compatibility issues are taken into account.

If the found revision is lower than the configured revision, it is likely that the slave cannot be used. The found device may not support all functions that the master expects based on the higher revision number.

light blue

This EtherCAT slave is ignored (“Ignore” button)


  • This EtherCAT slave is not present on the other side.
  • It is present, but in a different revision, which also differs in its properties from the one specified.
    The compatibility principle then also applies here: if the found revision is higher than the configured revision, use is possible provided compatibility issues are taken into account, since the successor devices should support the functions of the predecessor devices.
    If the found revision is lower than the configured revision, it is likely that the slave cannot be used. The found device may not support all functions that the master expects based on the higher revision number.
ONLINE configuration creation 27:

Device selection based on revision, compatibility

The ESI description also defines the process image, the communication type between master and slave/device and the device functions, if applicable. The physical device (firmware, if available) has to support the communication queries/settings of the master. This is backward compatible, i.e. newer devices (higher revision) should be supported if the EtherCAT master addresses them as an older revision. The following compatibility rule of thumb is to be assumed for Beckhoff EtherCAT Terminals/ Boxes/ EJ-modules:

device revision in the system >= device revision in the configuration

This also enables subsequent replacement of devices without changing the configuration (different specifications are possible for drives).


If an EL2521-0025-1018 is specified in the configuration, an EL2521-0025-1018 or higher (-1019, -1020) can be used in practice.

ONLINE configuration creation 28:Fig.72: Name/revision of the terminal

If current ESI descriptions are available in the TwinCAT system, the last revision offered in the selection dialog matches the Beckhoff state of production. It is recommended to use the last device revision when creating a new configuration, if current Beckhoff devices are used in the real application. Older revisions should only be used if older devices from stock are to be used in the application.

In this case the process image of the device is shown in the configuration tree and can be parameterized as follows: linking with the task, CoE/DC settings, plug-in definition, startup settings, ...

ONLINE configuration creation 29:Fig.108: Correction dialog with modifications

Once all modifications have been saved or accepted, click “OK” to transfer them to the real *.tsm configuration.

Change to Compatible Type

TwinCAT offers a function Change to Compatible Type… for the exchange of a device whilst retaining the links in the task.

ONLINE configuration creation 30:Fig.109: Dialog “Change to Compatible Type…” (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

The following elements in the ESI of an EtherCAT device are compared by TwinCAT and assumed to be the same in order to decide whether a device is indicated as "compatible":

- Physics (e.g. RJ45, Ebus...)

- FMMU (additional ones are allowed)

- SyncManager (SM, additional ones are allowed)

- EoE (attributes MAC, IP)

- CoE (attributes SdoInfo, PdoAssign, PdoConfig, PdoUpload, CompleteAccess)

- FoE

- PDO (process data: Sequence, SyncUnit SU, SyncManager SM, EntryCount, Ent-ry.Datatype)

This function is preferably to be used on AX5000 devices.

Change to Alternative Type

The TwinCAT System Manager offers a function for the exchange of a device: Change to Alternative Type

ONLINE configuration creation 31:Fig.110: TwinCAT 2 Dialog Change to Alternative Type

If called, the System Manager searches in the procured device ESI (in this example: EL1202-0000) for details of compatible devices contained there. The configuration is changed and the ESI-EEPROM is overwritten at the same time – therefore this process is possible only in the online state (ConfigMode).