EK9300 configuration
![]() | GSDML file Only terminals that are present in the GSDML file are supported, but extensions are possible. The GSDML supports submodules, check with your PROFINET master/controller if it supports submodules. If this is not the case, some terminals cannot be used! |
The EK9300 PROFINET coupler is always implemented with the help of a GSDML file in the controller (master). The GSDML file contains all parameterization data necessary for the operation of the coupler on the controller. The configuration tool reads this file and then provides the data to the user.
The respective terminals that are usable on the EK9300 are also specified in the GSDML file. Not all EtherCAT terminals are supported. Therefore, ascertain beforehand whether the terminals that you wish to use are also supported by the coupler.
Status and Ctrl. flags
PnIoBoxState and PnIoBoxDiag can be used to monitor and evaluate the current status of PROFINET communication.

PnIoBoxState | Comment | Meaning |
0 | No Error | No error |
1 | PROFINET Device state machine is in boot mode | PROFINET DeviceStateMachine is in the start-up phase |
2 | Device not found | Device does not reply to the Identify Request |
3 | The station name is not unique | The station name is not unique |
4 | IP could not be set | IP address could not be set |
5 | IP conflict | An IP conflict has occurred in the network |
6 | DCP set was not successful | There was no reply or an erroneous reply to a DCP set |
7 | Watchdog error | The connection was broken off with a Watchdog error |
8 | Datahold error | The connection was broken off with a Datahold error |
9 | RTC3: Sync signal could not be started | Only the IRT: the Sync signal could not be started |
10 | PROFINET Controller has a link error | The PROFINET controller has no link |
11 | The alias name is not unique | The alias name is not unique |
12 | The automatic name assignment is not possible - wrong device type | Automatic name assignment is not possible - wrong device type |
13 | IOC-AR is established but no application ready | The IOC-AR is established, the application is not ready |
14 | IOC-AR is established but module difference | The IOC-AR is established, but there is a module difference |
15 | At least one InputCR is invalid, provider in stop or problem indicator is set | At least one InputCR is invalid, provider in stop or problem indicator is set |
16 | At least one OutputCR is invalid, provider in stop or problem indicator is set | At least one OutputCR is invalid, provider in stop or problem indicator is set |
31 | only for EtherCAT gateways: WC-State of cyclic EtherCAT frame is 1 | Only for EL663x-00x0: EtherCAT WC State is set to 1 |
PnIoBoxDiag | Comment | Meaning |
0x0000 | No Diagnosis | No diagnosis |
0x0001 | IOC-AR is not established | The IOC-AR is not established |
0x0002 | IOC-AR is established | The IOC-AR is built |
0x0004 | IOC-AR is established but no application ready | The IOC-AR is established, the application is not ready |
0x0008 | 0x0008 = IOC-AR is established but module difference | The IOC-AR is established, but there is a module difference |
0x0010 | At least one AlarmCR got a diagnosis alarm | At least one AlarmCR has received a diagnostic alarm |
0x0100 | At least one InputCR is invalid | At least one InputCR is invalid |
0x0200 | At least one InputCR provider is in stop | At least one InputCR provider is in stop |
0x0400 | At least one InputCR problem indicator is set | At least one InputCR problem indicator is set |
0x1000 | At least one OutputCR is invalid | At least one OutputCR is invalid |
0x2000 | At least one OutputCR provider is in stop | At least one OutputCR provider is in stop |
0x4000 | At least one OutputCR problem indicator is set | At least one OutputCR problem indicator is set |
PnIoBoxCtrl | Comment | Meaning |
0x0001 | EBus reset | EBus reset at EK9300/EP9300 |
Data in the DAP (Device Access Point)
2 x 2 bytes of data are located in the DAP of the GSDML file.
This is once the ECCycleCounter (2 bytes). This is incremented on each EtherCAT cycle (1 ms), provided that the EC master is in the "OP" state.
The status (2 BYTE) is located at the DAP. This indicates individual status information bit by bit. These are currently occupied as follows:
- Bit 0 – IsSynchron – this is set if it is used as a PTP slave or IRT device and is synchronous.
- Bit 1 – IsPTPMaster – this is set if the EK9320 is operated as the PTP master.
- Bit 2 – ECFrameError – this is set if an EtherCAT problem is determined. In order to obtain further information about this, the PROFINET diagnosis or the alarms must be read out.
Parameters in the DAP
Activate PN reset value – Off -> EtherCAT data are written to zero. On -> there is a possibility to use another default value with outputs. With digital outputs, for example, the current output process value can be frozen or set to 0 or 1 in case of a PROFINET communication error.
Data presentation – Intel Format data are represented in Intel format, Motorola Format data are represented in Motorola format. In Word variables, for example, the high and low bytes are exchanged.
EBus error behavior – Set IOs to 0 -> input and output data are set to zero in case of an EC error. Legacy -> input data retain their last state, but are no longer updated; output data can still be set (depending on the position of the terminal).
Typically the coupler is used in a group with terminals that are connected to the coupler. The terminals are part of the GSDML; the terminals are parameterized from the PROFINET controller.
The mapping is card-slot-oriented, i.e. you must enter the terminals in the hardware configurator in exactly the same way as they are physically connected. It becomes a little more complicated if EtherCAT distribution boxes are used. In this case it is important to know the order in which the other EtherCAT terminals were entered into the process image (see EtherCAT Mapping).
![]() | Behavior when starting the bus coupler All EtherCAT devices must always be present when starting (or resetting) the Bus Coupler. This means that all EtherCAT slaves must be supplied with voltage before or at the same time so that the coupler starts up properly on the PROFINET. |
Configuration of the EtherCAT devices
There are 4 types of EtherCAT devices:
- EtherCAT devices without process data
- EtherCAT devices with “simple” process data but without parameterization (usually simple digital terminals)
- EtherCAT devices with “simple” process data and with parameters (usually analog signals)
- EtherCAT devices with different process data and parameters (for example incremental encoders)
All of these must be entered in the configuration.
Grouping digital inputs and outputs (pack terminals)
The digital input and output terminals can also be grouped according to their process data. This option can be used with 2 or 4-channel terminals. To do this a 2 or 4-channel pack terminal (without asterisk) must be appended to the GSDML file. In order to fill the byte, a 2 or 4-channel pack terminal (with asterisk) must be appended next. The terminals must be physically and systematically plugged in one behind the other or logically. The byte limit must not be exceeded.
2-channel pack (without asterisk), after that 3 modules from 2-channel pack terminals (with asterisk) may be appended.
Not permitted:
2-channel pack (without asterisk), then 2 modules from 4-channel pack terminals (with asterisk). This exceeds the byte limit.
EtherCAT terminals with different mapping options
Some EtherCAT terminals offer the option to represent different process data. These are represented differently on the basis of the parameters. In the PROFINET controller such a terminal is represented by submodules. The standard mapping is always integrated. If you want to use a different mapping that deviates from the standard, then delete the standard submodule and insert the one that you wish to use. It may be the case that, contradictory to the documentation for the EtherCAT terminal or EtherCAT box, not all mappings can be used under the PROFINET coupler.
Example of an EL5101:

EtherCAT gateway terminals
The gateway terminals support several submodules; the first or basic module is loaded immediately, the modules for the process data must be created. These must then also be parameterized on the master side of the corresponding gateway. Not all features of a gateway terminal can be used on the EK9300.
The PROFINET device terminal enables two different PROFINET networks to be connected; only one device interface is supported on the EK. A default station name can be assigned and IP settings made via parameterization data (GSDML). Note that the complete maximum data length of the EL6631-0010 cannot be used. The length is dependent on the other EtherCAT devices attached to the EK9300.
The PROFIBUS slave terminal enables communication with a PROFIBUS master. The PROFIBUS address is specified via the parameter settings (in the GSDML) in the terminal. Only pure process data can be exchanged.
The EtherCAT slave terminal enables communication with a EtherCAT master. Only pure process data can be exchanged.
The EtherNet/IP slave terminal enables communication with an EtherNet/IP master; only one slave interface is supported on the EK. The IP address and subnet mask are specified via the parameter settings (in the GSDML) of the terminal. Only pure process data can be exchanged. The terminal on the EK supports only one slave interface.