
CoE parameters

The CoE parameters for configuring Drive Motion Control are located in the following CoE objects:

Scaling factor and maximum velocity

Position values are defined as 64-bit variables at Drive Motion Control.
The 32 low-order bits resolve the single-turn increments. The possibly lower resolution of the feedback is extrapolated to the full 32 bits.
The 32 higher-order bits represent the multi-turn revolutions.

The "Feed constant" includes any gear ratios (gearbox, belt, etc.) and represents the output-side travel per motor revolution.

Therefore, the following exemplary formula without transmission ratio results for the scaling factor:

Parameter 1:

The maximum achievable speed of the motor depends on the DC link voltage. If lower voltages than specified in the data sheet are used, the nominal speed may have to be adjusted to the voltage. To specify the maximum speed of the motor in the CoE directory, the index 0x8011:1B "Motor speed limitation" is also used. The DC link-dependent motor speed is specified here in 1/min. To adjust the speed of the scaling, this value is multiplied by the feed constant and normalized to the unit second. This results in the following formula for the exemplary calculation of the maximum speed:

Parameter 2:

The following example shows the implementation in a PLC program:

   DmcAxis:   AXIS_REF

// Update the axis structure

// Scaling factor without gear ratio, feed constant 360°
DmcAxis.Parameter.EncoderScalingFactor := 0.000000083819031715393066;

// Velocity scaling with 1000 rpm, feed constant 360°
DmcAxis.Parameter.MaxVelocity := 6000;