Feedback system: incremental encoder

Step 1: optimization of the current controller

The current controller is often sufficiently well adjusted by the function Scan Motor.
If not, use conventional controller optimization procedures according to Ziegler/Nichols.

Goal of current controller optimization: set the integral component as low as possible and set the proportional component as high as possible without achieving oscillatory behavior.

Step 2: optimization of the velocity controller

Prerequisite: the current controller is optimized.
1. Set the CoE parameter 0x8010:17 "Position loop proportional gain" to zero.
The position controller is disabled.
Interference of the position controller with the velocity controller is prevented.
2. Gradually decrease the integral component: parameter 0x8010:14 "Velocity loop integral time (current mode)".
At the same time, gradually increase the proportional component: parameter 0x8010:15 "Velocity loop proportional component (current mode)".
In the meantime, observe the actual velocity value.
Do not increase the proportional component any further when the actual velocity value starts to oscillate.
3. Reduce integral component and proportional component by 20 %.
The 20 % serve as a control reserve for abrupt movements.
The velocity controller is optimized.

Step 3: optimization of the position controller

Prerequisite: the velocity controller is optimized.
1. Gradually increase the proportional component 0x8010:17 "Position loop proportional gain" until the controller starts to oscillate.
2. Reduce the proportional component by 20 %.
The position controller is optimized.