Execution of a test run

Step 1: preparation

1. Enable configuration.
Execution of a test run 1:
2. Click on the axis and select the "Online" tab.
Execution of a test run 2:
3. Move the motor shaft by hand to check the configuration of the encoder.
Does a relative movement of 360° actually correspond to a full revolution of the motor shaft?
For example, a common cause of error is the scaling factor. Check the settings of the scaling factor (see chapter Configuration of TwinCAT NC, section "Scaling factor").

Step 2: Performing a test run


The motor may behave differently than expected

Injuries and damage to property are possible.

  • Before the test run, ensure that no one is injured during any movements of the motor shaft and that no damage is caused.
1. Release the controller: click on "Set" and in the window that appears click on "All".
Execution of a test run 3:
A frequent cause of error is, for example, that 24 V is not present at the "HW Enable" input. See note Enabling the output stage.
Other error causes are possible and are displayed in the status messages of the Diag-History.
2. Try different commands.
3. Check whether the motor follows the commands in a stable and reliable manner.

Step 3: checking the result

Check the following points, for example: