Configuration of the TwinCAT NC

The TwinCAT NC can be configured by parameters. A complete description of the parameters of the TwinCAT NC can be found in the Documentation of the TwinCAT functions TF50x0 or on our website:

Set the following parameters carefully:

Basic unit

This setting defines the units of the parameters of the axis.

You can find this setting at:
NC axis > tab "Settings" > drop-down menu "Unit".

Configuration of the TwinCAT NC 1:

Reference velocity and maximum velocity

You can find these parameters at:
NC Axis > "Parameters" tab > "Reference Velocity" and "Maximum Velocity"

Configuration of the TwinCAT NC 2:

Recommendation: enter the rated speed or rated velocity for the "Reference Velocity".


You can find the dynamics parameters at:
NC Axis > "Dynamics" tab

Configuration of the TwinCAT NC 3:

Set the acceleration time and deceleration time: "Acceleration Time" and "Deceleration Time".

Select the ramp curve using the sliders.

Encoder scaling factor for rotary axes

You can find these parameters at:
NC Axis > "Enc" > "Parameters" tab

Configuration of the TwinCAT NC 4:

The encoder scale factor is specified as a fraction. There is a parameter for the numerator and a parameter for the denominator.

The value for the encoder scaling factor depends on whether you are using an incremental encoder:

Encoder scaling factor for linear axes


The resolution of the incremental encoder is specified as 512 Inc / (2 mm). This corresponds to 256 Inc / mm.
For the "Scaling Factor Denominator", enter: 256 x 4 = 1024.

Output scaling for velocity

You can find this parameter at:
NC Axis > "Drive" > "Parameters" tab

Configuration of the TwinCAT NC 5:

The output scaling of the velocity is only relevant for the CSV operation mode.

The calculation depends on whether you are using an incremental encoder: