P-AXIS-00396 | Name of the drive function in the NC program | |
Parameter | antr.function[i].id | |
Description | Name by which the parameterized drive function is addressed in the NC program with the #DRIVE command ([PROG]). | |
Data type | String | |
Data range | Maximum of 29 characters | |
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - |
Default |
| |
Remarks | Currently for SERCOS and Profidrive drives only |
P-AXIS-00397 | Nature of communication with the drive amplifier | ||
Parameter | antr.function[i].commu | ||
Description | Parameter defines the method of communication by which the functionality is addressed in the drive. The following values are permitted for the parameter: | ||
CYCLIC | The drive function is switched by a telegram element that is configured in the cyclic drive telegram. The telegram element's name must be parameterized in the P-AXIS-00398 parameter. | ||
ACYCLIC | The drive function is addressed by writing a drive parameter through the parameter channel. The telegram element's name must be parameterized in the P-AXIS-00398 parameter. | ||
IGNORE | No value is transferred to the drive. | ||
Data type | String | ||
Data range | ["CYCLIC" | "ACYCLIC" | "IGNORE"] | ||
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - | |
Default |
| ||
Remarks | Currently for SERCOS and Profidrive drives only |
P-AXIS-00398 | Name of the parameter or telegram element | |
Parameter | antr.function[i].wr_ident[0]/[1] | |
Description | This parameter defines which drive parameter or which telegram element of the cyclic telegram is to be used to switch the drive function. | |
Data type | String | |
Data range |
| |
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - |
Default |
| |
Remarks | Currently for SERCOS and Profidrive drives only |
P-AXIS-00399 | Data type of the data item to be transferred | ||||
Parameter | antr.function[i].data_type | ||||
Description | This parameter defines the data type of the drive parameter or of the telegram element belonging to the cyclic telegram that is to be used to switch the drive function. The parameter can assume the following values: | ||||
Type Id | Data type | Minimum value | Maximum value | ||
SGN16 | Signed 16-bit integer | MIN_SGN16 | MAX_SGN16 | ||
SGN32 | Signed 32-bit integer | MIN_SGN32 | MAX_SGN32 | ||
BITARRAY_16 | Bitarray with 16 bit | 0 | MAX_UNS16 | ||
BITARRAY_32 | Bitarray with 16 bit | 0 | MAX_UNS32 | ||
Data type | String | ||||
Data range | ["SGN16" | "SGN32" |"BITARRAY_16"|"BITARRAY_32"] | ||||
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - | |||
Default |
| ||||
Remarks | Currently for SERCOS and Profidrive drives only. At present the data types "BITARRAY_16" and "BITARRAY_32" are supported only for communication type "CYCLIC" (P-AXIS-00397). for all other communication types error message P-ERR-70402 is output. |
P-AXIS-00400 | Value of a cyclically transferred data element after controller start-up | |
Parameter | antr.function[i].startup_value | |
Description | This parameter defines the value of the telegram element belonging to the cyclic telegram when P-AXIS-00397 has the value "CYCLIC". | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | [MIN_SGN16 MAX_SGN16] when P-AXIS-00399 = "SGN16", [MIN_SGN32 MAX_SGN32] when P-AXIS-00399 = "SGN32" | |
Dimension | Translatory: - | Rotatory: - |
Default |
| |
Remarks | Currently for SERCOS and Profidrive drives only |
P-AXIS-00401 | Scaling that must be applied to the transferred value | ||
Parameter | antr.function[i].scaling_type | ||
Description | This parameter defines the scaling of the value that must be transferred to the drive. The following scaling types are possible: | ||
Label | Scaling | ||
UNSCALED | Unscaled output of the value programmed in the NC-Program. (Scaling factor = 1). | ||
TORQUE_DRIVE_SIDE | The programmed value is a torque value related to the motor shaft and is scaled to the drives torque format with the parameters P-AXIS-00325, P-AXIS-00326 and P-AXIS-00392. The scaling factor does not change when the gearbox changes. Scaling factor f is:
| ||
Data type | STRING | ||
Data range | [ | ||
Dimension | translatory: - | rotatory: - | |
Default | UNSCALED | ||
Remarks | Now only implemented for drive type SERCOS and PROFIDRIVE. |
P-AXIS-00325 | Numerator scaling factor torque scaling | |
Parameter | antr. torque_scale_num | |
Description | Numerator of scaling factor for torque output to the drive. The factor is defined as quotient. This quotient is the value that must be output to the drive to get the nominal torque of the motor. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 < v_reso_nom < MAX(UNS32) | |
Dimension | translatory: Increments | rotatoriy Increments |
Default | 1 | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00326 | Denominator scaling factor torque scaling | |
Parameter | antr.torque_scale_denom | |
Description | Denominator of scaling factor for torque output to the drive. The factor is defined as quotient. This quotient is the value that must be output to the drive in order to get the nominal torque of the motor. | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 < torque_scale_denom MAX < (UNS32) | |
Dimension | translatorisch: - | rotatorisch: - |
Default | 1 | |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00392 | Reference value for scaling of torque values in the drive format |
Parameter | antr.acc_reference_value |
Description | This parameter is used to set up the scaling factor for conversion in the drive side torque format. The nominal torque of the motor must be entered. |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0 .. MAX_REAL64 |
Dimension | Nm (N for Linearmotor) |
Default | 1 |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00408 | Minimum admissible output value |
Parameter | antr.function[].min_limit |
Description | With this prameter the minimal admissible put value can be defined. If the value programmed in the #DRIVE command underruns the minimum value the output value is automatically set to the minimum value, no error message is output. If P-AXIS-00408 is less than the minimum representable minimum value of the data type set up with P-AXIS-00399 error P-ERR-70384is output and the value is corrected. If P-AXIS-00409 is configured it has to be bigger than P-AXIS-00408 otherwise warning P-ERR-70385 is output and the values are swapped. If this parameter is not configured, no minimum limitation takes place. |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | Dependent on P-AXIS-00399 and P-AXIS-00401 |
Dimension |
Default |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00409 | Maximum addmissible output value |
Parameter | antr.function[].max_limit |
Description | With this prameter the miximum admissible put value can be defined. If the value programmed in the #DRIVE command exceeds the set up maximum value the output value is automatically set to the maximum value, no error message is output. If P-AXIS-00408 is bigger than the maximum representable maximum value of the data type set up with P-AXIS-00399 error P-ERR-70384is output and the value is corrected. If P-AXIS-00408 is configured it has to be less than P-AXIS-00409 otherwise warning P-ERR-70385 is output and the values are swapped. If this parameter is not configured, no minimum limitation takes place. |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | Dependent on P-AXIS-00399 and P-AXIS-00401 |
Dimension |
Default |
Remarks |
P-AXIS-00429 | Bitmask | |||
Parameter | antr.function[].mask | |||
Description | With this parameter the bitmask that must be used for bitwise writing is defined. If the value programmed in the #DRIVE-command is bigger than zero the bits defined in the bitmask are set, for a programmed value of zero the bits are reset. This parameter is used only it the data type set up in P-AXIS-00399 has either the value The value of this parameter must be smaller than or equal to the maximum value defined by setting P-AXIS-00399, otherwise error message P-ERR-70403 is output. | |||
Data type | UNS32 | |||
Data range | Dependent on P-AXIS-00399: | |||
Typ ID | Datantype | Minimal value | Maximal value | |
BITARRAY_16 | Bitmaske 16 Bit | 0 | MAX_UNS16 | |
BITARRAY_32 | Bitmaske 32 Bit | 0 | MAX_UNS32 | |
Dimension |
| |||
Default value | 0 | |||
Remarks | Now only implemented for drive type SERCOS- and Profidrive. |