CAN node

CAN node 1:
CAN Node tab of a CANopen slave in TwinCAT.




The address is set here.


According to CANopen the parameter 0x1000 "Device Type" contains in the two least significant bytes the number of the device profile supported by the device. This number is entered here and compared with the parameter in the device on system startup. If no device profile is supported, the parameter will contain the value 0.


Add. Information:‘
The Add. Information is in the two most significant bytes of the object dictionary entry 0x1000 (Device Type). The set/actual configuration comparison only takes place if Profile No. or Add. Information (i.e. object directory entry 0x1000) is set to a value that is not null. If the expected values do not match the actual values on system startup, the node start is aborted and a corresponding error message is displayed on the Diag tab.


Guard Time:
The Guard Time determines the interval in which the node is monitored (Node Guarding). The value entered is rounded up to the next multiple of 10 ms. 0 signifies no monitoring.


Life Time Factor:
Guard Time x Life Time Factor determines the watchdog length for the mutual monitoring of master and slave. The entry 0 means that the slave does not monitor the master. If 0 is entered, the master directly takes the guard time as watchdog length.

The heartbeat protocol is also supported, and the system initially tries to initiate this form of node monitoring on the CANopen node. If this attempt fails, guarding is activated.


Emcy COB ID / Guard COB ID are identifiers for emergency messages or the guarding protocol. They result from the node address.


Heartbeat is used for monitoring of the node. If heartbeat is disabled, guarding is used for monitoring.

The guard time as producer heartbeat time and (guard time x lifetime factor) as consumer heartbeat time are entered. In this case a heartbeat telegram with the smallest configured guard time sent. The guard time can be set individually for each node.


If values other than zero are entered here, these identity object inputs (0x1018 in the object directory) are read off at the system StartUp and compared with the configured values. The corresponding node will be started only if the values coincide. It is also possible to compare only some of the values (e.g. the vendor ID and the product code). In this case, parameters that are not used must be set to zero.


If this option is selected, the entire CANopen network management is disabled for this device. It is not started, monitored, etc. The PDO entries are regarded as pure CAN telegrams (layer 2) and are made available to the controller on an event-driven basis.


Opens a window with further settings, which can be enabled:

  • Switch off upload object 0x1000.
  • Switch off download object 0x1006.
  • Switch off automatic sending of start node (then has to be sent manually).
  • Continue to send start SDOs, in the event of a termination.


The option StopNode is used to set the node to "stopped" state after a fault. It can be used to set nodes to a safe state, although they can no longer be addressed via SDO.


If the option is selected, entries are created automatically in TwinCAT, which are transferred via SDO on system startup (see: SDOs tab).


If the option is selected, the default identifiers of the process data objects are automatically adjusted if the node ID changes (see: no. 6).