Advanced BIOS Features

This menu is used to set the data for the hard disk connected as master to the first IDE bus. The hard disk data (size, number of cylinders, heads, sectors, pre-compensation and home position of the heads when the disk is switched off) are displayed automatically for the connected hard disk.

Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility

Advanced BIOS Features

υ8; CPU Feature

[Press Enter]

Item Help

υ8; Hard Disk Boot Priority

[Press Enter]


CPU L1 & L2 Cache



Hyper Threading Technology



Quick Power On Self Test



First Boot Device



Second Boot Device



Second Boot Device



Boot Other Device



Boot Up NumLock Status



Gate A20 Option



Typematic Rate Setting



Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)



Typmatic Delay (Msec)



Security Option






MPS Version Control For OS



OS Select For DRAM > 64 MB



HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability



Full Screen Logo



↑ ↓ → ← :Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:Help

F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults

CPU Feature

This menu item can be used for setting the CPU behaviour for thermal profiles.

Virus Warning

On start-up the boot sectors are checked for changes since the last start. Setting options: Enabled (a virus warning may appear until it is acknowledged with Confirm or switched off (Disabled)), Confirm (a required boot sector modification, e.g. after reinstallation of an operating system, is confirmed), Disabled (boot sectors are not verified).

CPU L1 & L2 Cache

The cache memory is an additional memory that is substantially faster than the conventional DRAM (system memory). If the CPU requests data, the system transfers theses data from the main DRAM to the cache memory for faster access by the CPU. Setting options: Enable (standard) - cache activated, Disabled - cache deactivated.

Quick Power On Self Test

If this option is enabled the computer will start significantly faster. Booting will be up to 50 seconds faster with 64 MB RAM or more. However, not all POST tests are carried out.

First Boot Device

Here you can specify which drive should boot first. First set the drive to be used as boot drive. Options:

Second Boot Device

This setting is used for booting, if the first boot device is not available. First set the drive to be used as boot drive. Options:

Second Boot Device

This setting is used for booting, if the first and second boot device are not available. First set the drive to be used as boot drive. Options:

Boot Other Device

This option offers two choices: Enabled or Disabled. The standard setting is Enabled. The Enabled setting enables the BIOS to try all three types, i.e. "First Boot Device", "Second Boot Device" or "Third Boot Device".

Boot Up NumLock Status

State of the numeric keypad. With On it is activated, with Off not.

Gate A20 Option

Defines how the memory above 1MB is accessed. This should be set to Fast, in order to activate access through the chipset. With the Normal setting it is accessed via the keyboard controller. This option may speed up older computers. The first 64 K Block above 1 MB can be accessed in standard mode via address line A20. DOS will anchor itself there, if DOS=High is inserted in Config.sys.

Typematic Rate Setting

This parameter is used to specify whether the options Keyboard Typematic Speed, Delay Before Keys Repeat, Typematic Rate or Typematic Delay are available. If Disabled, the values are set to 6 characters per second, with a keyboard delay of 250 ms. The settings can also be specified via the operating system.

Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)

Specifies the repetition rate of the keyboard when a key is pressed. The options are 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24 or 30 characters/second.

Typmatic Delay (Msec)

This value determines when the key function is activated after a key is pressed. The options are 250, 500, 750 or 1000 milliseconds.

Security Option

This parameter specifies the option for which a password applies. If the SYSTEM option is selected, a password has to be entered during PC start-up. If the SETUP option is selected, a password is only required for accessing the BIOS.


This parameter switches the APIC Controller (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller) on or off. According to the PC2001 regulations, the system may run in APIC mode. APIC mode offers extended IRQ resources (depending on the board). Settings: Enabled or Disabled

MPS Version Control For OS

This option specifies what MPS version (Multi-Processor Specification) is used by this board. Setting options: 1.1 or 1.4 For older operating systems 1.1 should be used, otherwise leave as 1.4.

OS Select For DRAM > 64 MB

For OS/2 systems with more than 64 MB RAM, option OS/2 should be used.

HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability

S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is implemented in modern hard disks. Among other things, in conjunction with suitable software this technology can be used to detect hard disk read or speed problems at an early stage. If the option is activated, the system will issue a warning regarding an impending crash, for example. The results can be analysed with Norton-Utilities from version 3.0, for example.

Full Screen Logo

This option can be used to specify that the start logo should fill the whole screen during booting, thereby hiding the start data. Setting options: Enabled, Disabled