ADS Interface
All acyclic data are transmitted to or from the FC310x via ADS-Read, ADS-Write or ADS-Write-Control. The FC310x has its own Net-ID and supports the following ports:
Port | Description |
200 | This addresses the FC310x itself, i.e. data that reside locally on the FC310x, and for which usually no additional bus access is required |
0x1000 - 0x107E | This addresses a connected PROFIBUS device, with the address calculated from port-0x1000; this always involves a bus access |
An overview of the IndexGroups/IndexOffsets supported by the FC310x during ADS-Read is provided below.
IndexGroup for local FC310x addressing (port 200)
IndexGroup (Lo-Word) | IndexGroup (Hi-Word) | IndexOffset | Description |
0xF100 | 0x00 | BYTE offset within the data | This reads the diagnostic data from the FC310x. If the ADS-Read is answered without error (error code = 0), the data will contain the diagnostic data of the FC310x described in section Master-Diagnose. The FC310x will reset the FC310x DiagFlag. It will be set again, if the FC310x diagnostic data change again. |
0xF181 | 0x00-0x7E | BYTE offset within the data | This will read the diagnostic data of a configured DP slave. The station address is calculated from the IndexGroup(Hi-Word). If the ADS Read is answered without error (error code = 0), the data will contain the diagnostic data of a configured DP slave described in section Slave-Diagnose. |
0xF830 | 0x8000-0x807E | always 0 | This enables detection of the DP slaves present at the PROFIBUS, independent of whether they were configured or not. The station address is calculated from IndexGroup(Hi-Word)-0x8000. If the ADS-Read is answered without error (error code = 0), the corresponding DP slave has answered correctly. The data contain the Ident no. of the slave (BYTE offset 0-1) and the read CfgData (from BYTE offset 2) (see section Upload Configuration). |
0xF840 | 0 | BYTE offset within the data | This will read the firmware version and the station address of the FC310x. If the ADS-Read is answered without error (error code = 0), the data will contain the firmware version (BYTE offset 0-1) and the station address of the FC310x (BYTE offset 2). |
IndexGroup for addressing of a configured PROFIBUS device (port 0x1000-0x107E)
IndexGroup | IndexGroup | IndexOffset | Description |
0x00-0xFF | 0x00 | 0x00-0xFF | This will send a DPV1-Read to the appropriate, configured DPV1 slave via a Class 1 connection; the DPV1 slot number corresponds to the IndexGroup, the DPV1 index corresponds to the IndexOffset. If the ADS-Read is answered without error (error code = 0), the data will contain the read DPV1 data (see section DPV1) |
0x100-0x1FF | 0x00 | 0x00-0xFF | This will send a DPV1-Read to the appropriate, configured DPV1 slave via a Class 2 connection; the DPV1 slot number corresponds to the IndexGroup - 0x100, the DPV1 index corresponds to the IndexOffset. If the ADS-Read is answered without error (error code = 0), the data will contain the read DPV1 data (see section DPV1) |
0x0000 - 0xFFF | 0x10000000 - 0xF0000000 | 0x00-0xFF | This will transmit a PKW-Read to the appropriate, configured PROFIDRIVE slave; the parameter number (PNU) is contained in the Low WORD of the IndexGroup, the sub-index for access to an array is in the IndexOffset, the addressed axis is in bits 28-31 of the IndexGroup (for a 1-axis unit, this must be 1), the PKW compatibility can be adjusted in bits 26, 27 (unfortunately, not all PROFIDRIVE slaves are compatible, see section PKW-Interface). |
0 | 0x01000000 | 0 | This will send FDL-Read for Siemens AG interfacing to the appropriate configured FDL station (see section S5-FDL). |
An overview of the IndexGroups/IndexOffsets supported by the FC310x during ADS-Write is provided below.
IndexGroup for local FC310x addressing (port 200)
IndexGroup (Lo-Word) | IndexGroup (Hi-Word) | IndexOffset | Description |
0xF100 | 0x00 | 0 -2 | This will reset the equidistant diagnostic data (IndexOffset = 0), the Repeat counters (IndexOffset = 1) or the NoAnswer counters (IndexOffset = 2) of the FC310x. |
IndexGroup for addressing of a configured PROFIBUS device (port 0x1000-0x107E)
IndexGroup (Lo-Word) | IndexGroup (Hi-Word) | IndexOffset | Description |
0x00-0xFF | 0x00 | 0x00-0xFF | This will send a DPV1-Write to the appropriate, configured DPV1 slave via a Class 1 connection; the DPV1 slot number corresponds to the IndexGroup, the DPV1 index corresponds to the IndexOffset (see section DPV1). |
0x100-0x1FF | 0x00 | 0x00-0xFF | This will send a DPV1-Write to the appropriate, configured DPV1 slave via a Class 2 connection; the DPV1 slot number corresponds to the 0x100 IndexGroup, the DPV1 index corresponds to the IndexOffset (see section DPV1). |
0x400 | 0x00 | 0x00 | With this, a DPV1 Abort is sent to the appropriate configured DPV1 slave via a class 2 connection; the abort parameters are included in the data (-> section DPV1). |
0x0000 - 0xFFF | 0x10000000 - 0xF0000000 | 0x00-0xFF | This will transmit a PKW-Write to the appropriate, configured PROFIDRIVE slave; the parameter number (PNU) is contained in the Low WORD of the IndexGroup, the sub-index for access to an array is in the IndexOffset, the addressed axis is in bits 28-31 of the IndexGroup (for a 1-axis unit, this must be 1), the PKW compatibility can be adjusted in bits 26, 27 (unfortunately, not all PROFIDRIVE slaves are compatible, see section PKW-Interface). |
0 | 0x01000000 | 0 | This will send FDL-Write for Siemens AG interfacing to the appropriate configured FDL station (see section S5-FDL). |
0 | 0x02000000 | 0 | This will send a SetSlaveAddress command to a configured DP slave, whereby the DP slave must be configured with the new station address; the old station address must be entered at BYTE offset 0 of the ADS-Write data. Furthermore, the Ident no. of the slave must be contained under BYTE offset 1 and 2, and BYTE offset 3 must contain information as to whether the slave may be modified later (0) or not (not equal 0). Altogether, 4 bytes of ADS-Write data will therefore have to be sent. |
An overview of the IndexGroups/IndexOffsets supported by the FC310x during ADS-ReadWrite is provided below.
IndexGroup for addressing of a configured PROFIBUS device (port 0x1000-0x107E)
IndexGroup (Lo-Word) | IndexGroup (Hi-Word) | IndexOffset | Description |
0x100-0x1FF | 0x00 | 0x00-0xFF | This will send a DPV1-Data_Transport to the appropriate, configured DPV1 slave via a Class 2 connection; the DPV1 slot number corresponds to the 0x100 IndexGroup, the DPV1 index corresponds to the IndexOffset (see section DPV1). |
0x200 | 0x00 | 0x00 | With this, a DPV1 Initiate is sent to the appropriate configured DPV1 slave via a class 2 connection; the initiate parameters are included in the data (-> section DPV1). |
An overview of the ADS-Write-Control commands supported by the FC310x is provided below.
ADS-WriteControl for local FC310x addressing (port 200)
AdsState | DeviceState | State of the FC310x | Description |
STOP (6) | 0x00 | RUN (5) | This will stop the FC310x, i.e. the process data connections to all DP slaves (Data_Exchange) are removed (with SetPrm,Unlock). |
RUN (5) | 0x00 | STOP (6) | This will restart the FC310x after a stop, i.e. the process data connections to all DP slaves (Data_Exchange) are re-established (normal DP start-up). |
ADS-WriteControl for addressing a configured PROFIBUS device (port 0x1000-0x107E)
AdsState | DeviceState | State of the FC310x | Description |
STOP (6) | 0x00 | RUN (5) | This will stop the slave, i.e. the process data connection to the relevant DP slave (Data_Exchange) is removed (with SetPrm,Unlock). |
RUN (5) | 0x00 | STOP (6) | This will restart the slave after a stop, i.e. the process data connection to the relevant DP slave (Data_Exchange) is re-established (normal DP start-up). |
ADS Error Codes
The 32 bit ADS error code always consists of a general ADS error code (Low Word, see ADS documentation) and a FC310x-specific, unique error code (High Word, -> chapter FC310x ADS error codes). The appropriate text message will also be displayed in the TwinCAT System Manager Logger.