Setting up: Real-time Ethernet (Publisher/Subscriber, EAP push)

Table of contents

Notes on the device

Setting up the device

Notes on the device

Setting up the real-time Ethernet device

For the setup a real-time Ethernet adapter is to be created as usual.

Setting up: Real-time Ethernet (Publisher/Subscriber, EAP push) 1:
Creating a new device
Setting up: Real-time Ethernet (Publisher/Subscriber, EAP push) 2:
Selection of the adapter for EAP

If not all devices are offered, the target platform can be selected via TargetType.

Not an actual port of the PC, but rather a virtual adapter of the CU2508 is then merely selected as the Ethernet adapter for the CU2508.

Setting up: Real-time Ethernet (Publisher/Subscriber, EAP push) 3:
Selection of the Ethernet adapter

The number of available ports (in this case 4) depends on the settings of the CU2508 device (see there).

Setting up: Real-time Ethernet (Publisher/Subscriber, EAP push) 4:
Adding the Ethernet devices

Subsequently the required Ethernet couplers/boxes/drives can be manually added or scanned. Before a scan TwinCAT should be restarted once in the Config/FreeRun mode.