Type 2: linear method


The linear method (type 2) is selected by setting the P-AXIS-00172 parameter to the value 2.

The linear method is based on the theoretical position lag, which is calculated with the position formula:

Type 2: linear method 1:

At standstill, the P-AXIS-00169 defines the permissible position lag. For a moving axis, the low limit of the permissible position lag is set with the P-AXIS-00168 parameter. Above this limit, the permissible position lag is calculated as follows:

Type 2: linear method 2:

Type 2: linear method 3:: calculated permissible position lag

Type 2: linear method 4:: gain factor of the position controller

Type 2: linear method 5:: current travel speed

The P-AXIS-00167 parameter describes a factor with which the dynamic component of the permissible position lag can be influenced.

Type 2: linear method 6:
Figure 0-4: Position lag monitoring type 2 - linear method
Type 2: linear method 7:

Recommended parameterization

P-AXIS-00169removed link: P-AXIS-00169 ≥ 5 · ∆sStandstill∆sStandstill: real position lag at standstill