Configuration channel current
The "Configured channel rated current" or " Configured channel peak current" define the rated current and the peak current, respectively, with which the motor is operated at the axis module.
The "Configured channel rated current" is set by "Default" to the standstill current of the configured motor. If the standstill current of the motor exceeds the rated current of the channel, then the channel rated current is entered in the object: Object 0x3243:03.
The "Configured channel peak current" is set by "Default" to twice the standstill current of the configured motor. If the double standstill current of the motor exceeds the rated current of the channel, then the channel peak current is entered in the object: Object 0x3243:04. To achieve the maximum torque from the combination of channel peak current and motor, either the "Channel peak current", object 0x3243:03, or the motor peak current, 0x32C00:03, can be entered in this object. Please note that the smaller of the two values must be selected.