Determine the motor without electronic type plate

Determine the motor without electronic type plate 1:

Press the Select Motor button to add the motor type.
A selection window opens, which shows all motor versions and their properties.

Determine the motor without electronic type plate 2:

Look for the motor of your drive in the list.

Confirm the selection with OK.
A further window appears, in which you have to select or set the mains voltage to which the AX5000 is connected.

Determine the motor without electronic type plate 3:

Make the required settings.

Confirm the selection with OK.

Determine the motor without electronic type plate 4:

Selecting a motor type makes it appear in the Motor type field (1). When the motor type is selected, the encoder system used in this motor type also becomes known and is shown in the field Feedback 1 type.


Determine the motor without electronic type plate 5:

When the motor type is specified, a further query appears, as to whether the NC or CNC parameters relating to this axis should also be set.

If you confirm this message with OK, you will be directed to the corresponding settings. See Create NC axis configuration.


→ The motor type is set.