
In a rotary multi-turn-feedback system the axis position may be difficult to once the maximum multiturn rage has been reached (overflow) and the machine is switched off and restarted. This problem can be avoided via the controller, although the solution is rather complex and requires a UPS that enables important data to be saved after a power failure. The modulo function of the AX5000 replaces complex programming of the controller with a simple parameterization in the AX5000.

Modulo 1:

Basis of the position control in the servo drive

Without activation of the modulo function, the servo drive always outputs the absolute position of the encoder, including the problem of overflow. If the modulo function is activated the servo drive always outputs the position of the application, without overrun problems. This application position is generally output for all position data. The servo drive also expects the setpoint values from the controller in modulo format.

Modulo 2:

Modulo reference values

S-0-0047; S-0-0048; S-0-0051; S-0-0053; S-0-0076; S-0-0091; S-0-0103; S-0-0131; S-0-0189; P-0-0010; P-0-0159; P-0-0270; P-0-0277; P-0-0279; P-0-0554

Functionality up to firmware v2.06

The modulo function was implemented in v2.06 and is usable with the exception of operation with a prime number gear unit.

Functionality from firmware v2.10

From this version, operation with a primary number gear unit is also possible.

Typical modulo application:

Modulo 3:


Multi-turn feedback system




Transmission (gear unit)


Application requires absolute position (e.g. turntable)