Special features in the case of an AX520x two-channel device

In the case of the AX520x, the parameter S-0-0112 indicates the sum of the nominal currents for both channels. The value is device-related.

It is possible to enlarge the value of the nominal current (P-0-0093) for one channel to more than half of the value of the sum. As a result, this channel receives a larger portion of the overcurrent time area. The remainder of the nominal sum current is available to the second channel.

In the above calculation, P-0-0091 is replaced by the configured channel nominal current P-0-0093 or half of the nominal sum current:

Where Iconf = maximum from P-0-0093 and S-0-0112 / 2:

Special features in the case of an AX520x two-channel device 1:

Example: AX5203

How long can a current of 7 A be supplied with the settings for channel A selected here?



Value channel A

Value channel B


Time limitation for peak current

0 A

0 A


Channel peak current

10 A

10 A


Channel rated current

6 A

6 A


Configured channel peak current

7 A

7 A


Configured channel current

3.5 A

2 A


Amplifier rated current

6 A

6 A


Max. time for Ipeak

7 s

7 s

Iconf = max (3.5 A; 6 A / 2) = 3.5 A

Special features in the case of an AX520x two-channel device 2:

After 13 s the current of 7 A is limited to 3.5 A (P-0-0093).

For channel B, the following applies: Iconf = S-0-0112 – P-0-0093 (Ch A)

In the example. Iconf = 6 A – 3.5 A = 2.5 A

Special features in the case of an AX520x two-channel device 3:

After 11.66 s the current of 7 A is limited to 2 A (P-0-0093).