Welcome to the TcHmiSrvExtNet.Core documentation

This is the documentation of the new TwinCAT HMI server extension API for .NET.

It's written in C# and targets the .NET Standard 2.0 framework, so it can be referenced in TwinCAT HMI server extensions targeting the classic .NET Framework (version 4.7.2 or higher) as well as .NET Core (version 2.0 or higher).

Important notes

Please pay attention to these notes in order to avoid unnecessary errors when developing and running TwinCAT HMI server extensions:

Getting Started

A reference to TcHmiSrvExtNet.Core.dll will be automatically added to your project if you create a new TwinCAT HMI server extension for .NET.

If you have already created TwinCAT HMI server extension using TwinCAT HMI release 1.10 you may be interested in the API Differences between the former TwinCAT HMI server extension API TcHmiSrvExtNet and TcHmiSrvExtNet.Core.
Or you can take a look at the guide, which will help you How to migrate from TcHmiSrvExtNet to TcHmiSrvExtNet.Core.

Other Resources

Version History

API Differences

How to migrate