Recipe Editor

A recipe can be managed in the Recipe Editor. The editor has a toolbar in the upper area, a symbol list in the central area and general information in the lower area.

Recipe Editor 1:

Symbol list

All symbol entries with the information defined in the recipe type are shown in the symbol list. Here you can change the values of the individual entries, save them together with the recipe and manage them via the Recipe Editor. You can mark several symbol entries at the same time by keeping the Ctrl key pressed while selecting the individual entries.


The name of the symbol entry is shown here.


Define a value for the symbol entry here.

Info: When creating a new recipe the default value is automatically adopted from the recipe type.


The lowest possible value for the symbol is shown here.


The highest possible value for the symbol is shown here.


The unit of the value is shown here.


The comment for a symbol entry is shown here.


You can execute various functions via the toolbar in the upper area of the editor.

Recipe Editor 2:

Activate recipe

The values saved in the recipe are written to the symbols.

Recipe Editor 3:

Read values from target

The current values of all symbols are read from the target and written to the recipe.

Recipe Editor 4:

Read values for the selected symbols from target

The current values of the selected symbols are read from the target and written to the recipe.

Recipe Editor 5:

Show the online values for the symbols

The current values of the symbols are displayed in an extra column.

Recipe Editor 6:

Import recipes

The recipes selected in the dialog are imported into the server.

Recipe Editor 7:

Export recipe

The opened recipe is exported with a name that is to be defined.

General Information

General information about the recipe is displayed in the lower part of the editor.

Based on Recipe Type

The recipe type on which the recipe is based is displayed here.