
Pulse direction setting for controlling a stepper motor power unit with active interpolation.

The output terminal KL2502-0010 has the Frq-Cnt pulse mode with active interpolation as factory setting. It differs from the KL2502-0000 by a processor that is faster by a factor of four, so that all frequencies that are specified are provided with the same factor. That means:

PWML mode:

from 8 Hz to 1 kHz

PWMH mode:

from 1 kHz to 80 kHz

Cnt-Cnt-PWM mode:

from 1 kHz to 32 kHz

Register R2 und R35:

Period duration, 1 digit corresponds to 250 ns

Register R37:

Pulse duration, 1 digit corresponds to 2 μs

In addition, the power range for controlling a stepper motor has been extended:

Frq-Cnt-PWM mode:

from 8 Hz to 32,7 kHz

Frq-Cnt-Impuls mode:

from 8 Hz to 32,7 kHz


During interpolation, a start frequency F_start (R39) is specified, from which this starts. Above F_start, frequency steps specified by the controller are interpolated with the gradient specified via the maximum frequency step size F_delta (R38) and the time base T_delta (R40). F_delta and T_delta define the maximum acceleration of the drive.

Key data for stepper motor operating mode

Maximum frequency:

32.7 kHz


8 Hz / Digit

Impulse with:

R37 x 2 μs

Process data

DOUT of the termina:
Number of output pulses. If the frequency setting is positive, the pulses are counted forward, if it is negative, the pulses are counted backward.

DIN of the terminal:
Frequency setting with 8 Hz/digit and sign as direction setting.