Selection of the operation mode

By selecting the operation mode, you determine the controlled variable and the controller structure.

Controlled variable

Operation mode via CoE-Online

Index 0x7010:03 "Modes of operation"

Predefined PDO via process data

Position 1)

(Cyclic Synchronous Position)
(factory setting)

Predefined PDO "Position


(Cyclic Synchronous Velocity)

Predefined PDO "Velocity":


(Cyclic Synchronous Torque)

Predefined PDO "Torque":

Torque and
commutation angle

(Cyclic Synchronous Torque with Commutation Angle)

Predefined PDO "Torque"


PDO 0x1603 "DRV Commutation angle"

Drive Motion Control

(Drive Motion Control)

64-bit control:
Predefined PDO "Drive motion control (For TC3 DriveMotionControl Lib)"

32-bit control
Predefined PDO "Drive motion control (32 bit)"

1) You can also control the position with the CSV operation mode. See chapter CSV (velocity control). The control performance is better with CSP, however.

Setting the operation mode via the CoE directory

Proceed as follows to set the selected operation mode:


Risk of damage to the device!

We strongly advise not to change settings in the CoE objects while the axis is active, since this could impair the control.

1. Click on the "CoE - Online" tab.
2. Set the operation mode in parameter 0x7010:03 "Modes of operation".
Selection of the operation mode 1:
Set operation mode via index 0x7010:03


Changes in the CoE directory (CAN over EtherCAT), program access

When using/manipulating the CoE parameters observe the general CoE notes in chapter "CoE interface" of the EtherCAT system documentation:

Selection of the process data via Predefined PDO Assignment

1. Click the "Process Data" tab.
2. Click "Predefined PDO Assignment".
Selection of the operation mode 2:
Select Predefined PDO Assignment according to operation mode
3. Select the correct entry according to the following table.
The selected process data are displayed in the tree structure.

Operation mode

"Predefined PDO Assignment"


Inputs (SM3)

Outputs (SM2)



0x1A00 "FB Position"
0x1A01 "DRV Statusword"
0x1A06 "DRV Following error actual value"

0x1600 "DRV Controlword"
0x1606 "DRV Target position"



0x1A00 "FB Position"
0x1A01 "DRV Statusword"

0x1600 "DRV Controlword"
0x1601 "DRV Target velocity"



0x1A00 "FB Position"
0x1A01 "DRV Statusword"

0x1600 "DRV Controlword"
0x1602 "DRV Target torque"


PDO 0x1603"DRV Commutation angle"

64-bit control

"Drive motion control (For TC3 DrivemMotionControl)"

0x1A40 "DMC Inputs"

0x1640 "DMC Outputs"

32-bit control

"Drive motion control (32-bit)"

0x1A41 "DMC Inputs 32 Bit"

0x1641 "DMC Outputs 32 Bit"